Fundamentals of Organizing: Education Teaching & Discipline
2 Forms of Organizing Accepts existing power relationships Challenges existing power relationships
3 Direct Action Organizing Wins real improvements in peoples lives Makes people aware of their own power Alters the relationships of Power NAACP version attacks structural racism Decision-makers factor NAACP in beforehand
4 Dual Forms of Bias Individual Bias A teacher who says, Theres no way your son could have written that essay. Institutional Bias A policy that doesnt offer advanced placement courses at a predominantly Black school., because, Those students will never use that kind of knowledge.
5 Speaking truth to power Individual Bias Direct Service Self Help Education Advocacy Direct Action Institutional Bias Education Advocacy Direct Action
6 Our Goals Put theory into action! Attack institutional racism in education with a national campaign for Excellence & Equity A campaign is a sustained plan for change using strategies that impact our issues. Identify issues in agenda Identify promising strategies Apply known tactics to each strategy
7 Our Issue Agenda Improving Teaching Improving Discipline Increasing Resource Equity Ensuring College & Career Readiness * All applied to turnaround schools
8 Our request – Each unit/branch picks one Participate in the Campaign for Equity & Excellence by: Adopting (at least) one issue area in education Committing to (at least) one strategy Targeting turnaround schools Applying tactics that fit your community Working to perfect our education organizing capacity
10 Teachers who close the achievement gap 1. fully prepared when they entered teaching, 2. had taught for more than two years, 3. certified in field &/or by National Board
11 Strategies to improve teaching Strategies: Stronger, More Diverse Pipeline (preparation) Tactics: ID future teachers, TEACH grants, residencies More Mentoring & Coaching (slows turnover) Tactics: Lead Teacher, mentoring, new teacher supports More teachers with Advanced Certification (certification) Tactics: Support for National certification, changes to state licensing
12 Local tactics by function & engagement Communications (Promote) Education (Sensitize, inform) Advocacy (Influence decision- makers/policy) Direct Action (Grassroots Mobilization) Medium Engagement 1:1 meetings with journalists, newsletter articles, feature issue in a blog post Workshops, town halls, testing, monitoring data, conducting internal research and surveys Phone individuals, school and board of ed mtgs; advisory boards Hearings, panels, candidate surveys & scorecards
13 Putting it all together – medium engagement Branches with a medium interest in advanced certification Arrange a local media profile (communications) Conduct & share a survey of teachers (education) Form an advisory board (advocacy) Hold a scorecard rally (direct action)
14 Putting it all together – escalating tactics Branches interested in strengthening & diversifying the teacher pipeline could: Distribute information about TEACH grants ( low, education) Appeal to the school board for incentives (med, advocacy) Raise funds & challenge board to supplement TEACH grants (high, direct action)
15 Strategy Chart
16 Wrap-up Group debrief Q & A Evaluation
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