Tumescence Dysfunction: Psoriasis, Anxiety and Depression as Factors.


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Presentation transcript:

Tumescence Dysfunction: Psoriasis, Anxiety and Depression as Factors

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that affects between 1% and 8.5% of people, depending upon the area of the world being studied. In men, it can present as one of a variety of manhood rashes, as well as presenting elsewhere on the body. Several studies have found a link between psoriasis and tumescence dysfunction, with the studies focusing primarily on psoriasis that is located on or around the member. Anxiety and depression are also commonly linked to psoriasis and are also causes of tumescence dysfunction. At least one study, from 2015, has looked at psoriasis, anxiety, and depression as they relate to tumescence dysfunction – and this study looks beyond psoriasis confined mostly to the male organ area.

The study The article about this study first appeared in an issue of The Annals of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology. It looked at 80 individuals (40 men and 40 women) with moderate to severe psoriasis, and compared them to 80 individuals (again, equally split between men and women) who did not have psoriasis. All participants were matched for age, educational level, and other relevant variables, and were all at least 18 years old and classified as sensually active. When a person has psoriasis, their skin cell production goes into hyperdrive, making up to 10 times as many skin cells as normal. This excessive manufacturing results in red, bumpy patches with a white or silver scaly appearance. Psoriasis can also in some cases lead to psoriatic arthritis, which causes joints to swell painfully.

Not just the male organ As mentioned, psoriasis can appear on or around the member, but it can also appear anywhere else on the body; it most commonly occurs on the scalp, knees, elbows, and lower back. Not surprisingly, when psoriasis is on the midsection, it can have an impact on tumescence dysfunction. Almost 87% of those in the study with midsection psoriasis reported sensual dysfunction. But there is also a link when the member is not involved. For example, 50% of participants with psoriasis lesions on the face suffered from sensual dysfunction, and 64% of those with psoriasis on the chest reported the same. For those with psoriasis on the buttocks, the percentage was about 76%, and for those with the lesions on the knees it was almost 60%. Other locales affected by psoriasis, such as arms, scalp, and elbow also had high scores.

This study also underscored the fact that anxiety and depression resulting from having psoriasis (and from having concerns about it for, among other things, affecting one’s physical appearance), while key, are not always necessary for a man with psoriasis to experience tumescence dysfunction. Sometimes just the presence of psoriasis, even without clinically identifiable anxiety or depression, can create tumescence dysfunction issues for some men. This is important for doctors to consider, as they may need to explore a patient’s recent sensual history and attitudes to determine if tumescence dysfunction exists and if treatment may be required for it – whether psychological treatment for anxiety and/or depression or more direct treatment, such as using sildenafil.

Psoriasis may affect tumescence dysfunction, but its appearance may also bring about physical issues that go to other aspects of male organ health and require the regular application of a top-drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). While psoriasis requires professional treatment, keeping the affected male organ skin properly hydrated is key to helping psoriasis present more positively. Search out a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). In addition, find a crème with vitamin C, which is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.Man 1 Man Oil