Building Community Capacity Brenda Whitelaw Community Initiatives Manager
Background Realisations Starting Out Project Sustainability project to support new & vulnerable tenants 3 year funding from PCF & Big Lottery Realisations People not ready for work – need support & confidence building Big issue with mental health and addictions Loneliness & Isolation Need local classes and clubs Support for Welfare Reform & Improve Digital Literacy
Our Target Group Lone Parents Elderly Cultural Integration suffering from anxiety depression & low self esteem – Lacking Purpose – career to JSA Mental Health & Addictions Need purpose/new interests/classes/support Elderly To alleviate loneliness & isolation - Need purpose need involved in the community; clubs, classes Cultural Integration 23% of our tenants are from BME backgrounds - Need to engage them, ESOL classes, employment etc
Community Based/Community Led Funding by Aspiring Communities Fund for 2 staff Developing a wider Community Regeneration Strategy Developing partnership activities to improve economic, social & environmental issues in our communities Building Community capacity programmes & community development techniques Set up referrals and service level agreements Following the Thriving Places Model- Glasgow Community Planning Partnership
Strengthening our Communities We need to work closely with residents, external agencies, local organisations to: Identify opportunities Develop plans and proposals Make funding bids for new community projects Increase levels of economic activity Enhance Community Resilience & Empower residents
Go Connect Activities Nails Course
Go Connect Events
Go Connect Activities
Go Connect Activities
Partnership Work: Movin’ & Groovin’ and Young at Heart (HSCP & GCC IGF Funding) Rainbow –Befrienders SWCT – Transport Friendship Club Chair Yoga Chair Aerobics Bingo Entertainment Cinema Trips Karaoke Tea Dances
Tenant Feedback “This group is a lifesaver for me. I no longer need my antidepressants and I’m happy again” “It keeps me busy and takes my mind off my problems. I’ve met new friends, much nicer people than I usually hang about with and they’re all helping me” “I’ve met so many people, and I now have so much confidence. The team at goConnect has no idea how much they have done for me They really have saved me from a life of anxiety and panic attacks” “The staff at the project are so helpful and supportive, I can tell them anything and they’ve got me the support I need without feeling embarrassed. I am feeling so much positive about my future, all thanks to the support I have got through the goConnect Project” “They have no idea how much they’ve done for helping me. I went from panic attacks to feeling so happy and positive. I even got my first job ever which I love and I am so proud of myself. This project really has saved my life!”
Community Empowering – Sharing skills, Encouraging, Belonging! “Give a man a fish and that will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. Chinese Proverb