Prayer Focus 5: Broadmead Baptist Church, NORTHAMPTON. WE have now been in our brand new church and community building for five months after being homeless for a little while. It has been a busy but exciting time. We are holding three gatherings on a Sunday to fit everyone in downstairs while we wait for the work to be completed on the auditorium, along with the rest of the first floor.
Prayer Focus 5: Broadmead NORTHAMPTON. The new building has seen us grow by about 40-50 people on a Sunday but more than that is the engagement and use by the local community. We are being able to serve them in new, fresh and dynamic ways. It all goes towards our vision of making EVERYONE WELCOME, Seeing people ENCOUNTERING JESUS and EMBRACING ADVENTURE. We now have many events planned for the summer as we look to connect people into the life of this church community.
Prayer Focus 5 Broadmead, Northampton Please pray: Giving thanks to God for our new building and all the giving from individuals, trusts and groups. For the completion of the work to finish the first floor by September. Our current growth maybe limited until we can finish upstairs. For the resources to appoint an Assistant Pastor (or Pastor in Training) and Centre Co-ordination in the Autumn.
Prayer Focus 5 Broadmead, Northampton Please pray: For more people to encounter Jesus each time they connect with anything we are doing as a church. To see the transformation of our community through the love of God and actions of his people. For the continuing working together with other Christians and Churches across the town through the Redeeming Our Communities Project’s. A new youth cafe to be launched in September as well as restarting our Youth Club.