6th Grade LT & BR (Tuesday, September 18th, 2018) LT - Today I will be able to explain setting, characters, and types of conflict to be able to better discuss plot elements. BR – What is conflict? Name a type of conflict found in literature.
6th Opening Videos on Setting, Characters, & Types of Conflict Graphic Organizer for Notes Reminder – Test tomorrow on plot diagrams, setting, characters, and types of conflict!!!
6th Work Session Read “The Two Travelers” and answer questions about setting, characters, type of conflict, and create plot diagram.
Teach the topics that we learned about today in your own words. 6th Closing Teach the topics that we learned about today in your own words.
7th & 8th Grade LT & BR (Tuesday, September 18th, 2018) LT - Today I will cite pieces of evidence from informational literature to analyze what the text says as well as make inferences. BR - Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction more? Explain why.
What is informational text? What is inferencing? How do we inference? 7th & 8th Opening What is informational text? What is inferencing? How do we inference?
7th & 8th Work Session Teacher-assisted Reading from the Ready book about citing evidence from informational literature.
Share with the class your written responses 7th & 8th Closing Share with the class your written responses