LEGAL’s Analytical Narrative & Financial Report 2016 Prepared by LEGAL’s Team with supervision from the Consultant.
Outline: Objective Brief History of LEGAL LEGAL’s Mission/Vison Activities Conducted Impact Financial Narrative Challenges Recommendation
Objective: This presentation is aimed at giving the Board Members, Partners, Supporters Donors and Activists the clear picture on LEGAL’s activities, deliverables, achievements, challenges and recommendations on the way forward.
Brief History of LEGAL LEGAL as it is known presently, had the initial name called Concern People of Liberia, (CPL). Following months of meetings held at various locations in Monrovia; Salome Mini Mart, Myrtle Beach, the Residences of Mr. McGill, Jennifer K. Henshaw, Emmanuel Moore and Mr. Alvin Jones. The name LEGAL was agreed by all, as the name of the group, with a sub branch called United Sisters which was to serve as the social arm of LEGAL to be headed by Mooriah A. Dour. During these meetings, members of the LGBTI Community in Liberia gathered as a group on the 26th of January 2012 at Residence of Mr. Stephen McGill, to strategize and agreed to the name LEGAL, meaning (the Lesbian and Gay Association of Liberia) and how this group in time to come would be registered and recognized as an organization that will stand as the voice of sexual minority groups in Liberia to voice out issues affecting them in terms of discrimination, stigmatization, hate, abuse violence, inequality, injustice, the policy which speaks against them etc. Besides, the organization would advocate for access to basic human rights services, such as, education, health, social economic empowerment, agriculture, science & technology, tolerance, access to justice and training of the LGBTI community; engage stakeholders, religious leaders, traditional leaders, partners, uniformed officers, nurses, doctors, professors, teachers, students, lawyers, judges, community leaders and youth groups to understand LGBTI issues as human rights issues. In those meetings it was also agreed that LEGAL shall speak against injustice, inequality and the lack of protection for marginalized groups at the local and national levels in Liberia.
Activities Since its establishment, LEGAL has over the years engaged key strategic partners, stakeholders and some foreign missions in and out of Liberia on its vision and mission in terms of its areas of interventions for the LGBTI community in Liberia, so as to seek for possible support from donors and partners to achieve its goals , objectives and deliverables. Partners engaged include but are not limited to: UNAIDS, UNMIL, KTK,LIWEN, CAL, TIERS, ISLA, ACTIONAID, FGHR, ILGA, OUTRIGHTS INTERNATIONAL, AJWS, Medical Mondale Liberia, UNFPA, UNWOMEN, GENDER MINISTRY, the Independence Human RIGHTS Commission, the Human Rights Section of the Ministry of Justice, National AIDS Commission (NAC), National AIDS Control Program(NACP) and other International Humanitarian Organizations etc. In 2015, LEGAL participated in a mapping exercise of LGBTIQ led organizations in West Africa. This was held at the office of Medical Mondale Liberia, now Medical Liberia, where 30 members of the LBT Community met and were interviewed in regards to issues affecting them in private and public spaces. The issues of insecurity, injustice, inequality, neglect, violence, discrimination, abuse, stigma, lack of access to basic human rights protection and other services for the LBT community and the need for LEGAL to serve as the voice of the sexual minorities and other vulnerable groups were expressed by the community members who were interviewed. In August 2015 LEGAL attended a week long working session with LGBTIQ Activists and Organizations on the validation of the report on the establishment of the West African LGBTIQ Led Fund and Mapping “We Exist”. This meeting was held In Grand Bassam, Cote D’ Ivoire and it was organized by QUAN with support from other partners and donors, with activists representing LGBT led organizations from nine African countries; Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Ghana, Benin. Togo, Cote D’ Ivory, Senegal, Mali and Liberia.
Mission/Vision: LEGAL is a Human Rights Based Organization founded in 2012, and is dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTI people, prevent discrimination, Stigma, and abuse based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, and promote safe environment for all. LEGAL is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of the LGBTI Community in Liberia, to effectively promote protection of LGBTI individuals, document human rights violations, provide social psychosocial support to LGBTI individuals, and disabled persons within the LGBTI Community; Engage in human rights advocacy with the government, Liberian civil society organizations and the Liberian Parliament and International NGOs. “A non-discriminatory environment for all LGBTI individuals in Liberia
Activities Cont.. LEGAL was awarded six (6) months project in 2016, by TIERS title; “Enhancing the Rights And Protection of Sexual Minorities women and girls in Montserrado County”. This project is part of LEGAL’s five years (5) years project which is to be implemented in 11 Counties; Montserrado, Margibi, Bassa, Cape Mount, Bomi, Gbarpolu, Nimba, Lofa , Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Mary Land Counties. Under the TIERS project, LEGAL has trained 64 WSWs, SWs, including MSM, Trans-genders and Uniformed Officers; the Police, Immigration and the Military and has also engaged 24 partners on human Rights advocacy, gender, security and sexual reproductive health and rights. LEGAL has also engaged key stakeholders, partners, community leaders, some religious and traditional leaders, donors and foreign missions nationally during its inception meetings and focus group discussions to discuss issues affecting the LBT Community, sex workers and female drugs users at the local level. In recent time, with support from UNAIDS and AJWS, and other partners, LEGAL has trained over 84 community members, uniformed officers and community leaders on human rights advocacy and sexual reproductive health and rights. Participants of the training came from diverse religious backgrounds within fifteen communities in Monrovia. In 2016, LEGAL was nominated by Activists from West Africa to serve as the Regional Representative on the West and Central Africa Feminists Movement for the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) to work in the region on rights advocacy, research, documentation of abuse cases etc…. With support from the FUND For GLOBAL Human Rights, LEGAL attended the ILGA World Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, and met with potential donors and pledged their support to working with LEGAL in the years to come. In the month of September 2016, LEGAL participated in a week long Human Rights Advocacy and Strategic Litigation Training for Lawyers and LBT women and girls in Monrovia. LEGAL in collaboration with the ANTI-AIDS Media Network engaged Media Personalities on Human Rights Advocacy and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights. LEGAL also attended a meeting with the Head of UNAIDS, KTK , and other foreign missions for possible support and implementing of projects. The meeting was centered on seeking possible partnership for the work of LEGAL. Under the GLOBAL Fund Project, ACTIONAID Liberia invited LEGAL to a day validation workshop to review the Peer Educator Training Manuals. In December 2016, LEGAL participated in a two day CSOs human Rights Advocacy and Protection conference organized by UNMIL and is now serving on the Technical Working Committee on the CSOs Human Rights Platform to advocate for social change, Freedom of expression, Social Justice for its target audience, from the feminist’s stand point in Liberia.
Achievements The establishment of Protection focal person at the nine Police zones in Monrovia. The partnership with CSOs, government line Ministries, NGOs, Partners, Foreign Missions, the religious and traditional communities. Some Donors support to the work of LEGAL. The establishment of Peers and Rights Officers at the community level who are there to document cases of abuse or violence committed against LBT women, girls, sex workers, drugs users, people living with complicated health issues and people living with disabilities. Community members with enhanced knowledge on human rights advocacy and the referral path way in terms of access to health and justice. Trained 135 persons from seventeen communities in Monrovia Hate cases recorded are 7; 4 from Monrovia and 3 from Margibi County.
LEGAL Project Locations: Du-port Road Clara Town Logan Town Barnesville Gardnerville Old Road Virginia New Kru Town ELWA Dwazon Paynesville West Point Sinkor Central Monrovia Caldwell
Financial Narrative: In 2015, LEGAL received the amount USD. 4,073 from The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS) to conduct a six months protect called, “Enhancing the Rights and Protection of Lesbian and other Vulnerable women and Girls in Montserrado County. AJWS provided USD. 5,000 to LEGAL for institutional support. ActionAid Liberia over the years has provided the amount estimated at USD. 1,410.00 for institutional support and training. CAL has provided traveling support to LEGAL to attend CAL’s Regional Meetings. ILGA World also provided traveling support to LEGAL to attend regional, sub-regional and continental Conferences. UNAIDS Liberia also provided the amount of USD. 1,135.00 to LEGAL to conduct training for LBT members, Uniformed Officers and community leaders. GFHR provided USD. 4,579.00 as support to LEGAL to attend the ILGA World Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, Asia. An estimate of 16,197. 00 USD has been provided by partners and supporters for LEGAL ‘s projects, administrative cost etc.
Challenges: Lack of adequate institutional capacity strengthening The law or policy that discriminates the LGBT community (the Penal Code Section 14.73,74 etc.. Hate crime: Hating of same sex relations at the community level, (Violence, Abuse) Religion. Culture and beliefs Lack of access to basic health care and rights services Stigma Limited collaboration from other partners
LEGAL STRATETIC PLAN FOR 2017/2020 LEGAL PROPOSED PROJECT FOR 2017 “ENHANCING THE RIGHTS &PROTECTION CAMPAIGN FOR SEXUAL MINORITIES WOMEN, GIRLS AND OTHER VULNERABLE GROUPS IN FIVE COUNTIES IN LIBERIA” . This project will aim at enhancing the protection and access to other basic health and rights services for Sexual Minorities women, girls and other vulnerable groups in the areas of human rights advocacy and sexual reproductive health at the community level majorly in Montserrado, Gbapolu, River Cess, Grand Bassa and Margibi Counties. The project will also work to enhance human rights based advocacy amongst targeted communities. This will be done by adopting the international instruments to advocating for their welfare. The project will further work towards addressing the existing gaps of discrimination, stigmatization, violence, abuse, hate crime and castigation among others by strengthening communication and advocacy for their rights, broaden the knowledge of beneficiaries, provide information on human rights protection and conversation through a human rights based approach at the community level. EXPECTED BUDGET FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT FOR 2017-2020 FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ( US $ 500,000.00) PROJECT DURATION : Three Years
RECOMMENDATIONS: Increase Funding support to the two organizations LEGAL and TNOL at the national and international levels. Support LEGAL and TNOL with capacity development personnel (Inspirators). Include LBT Organizations into the Global Fund Projects Support LEGAL and TNOL with institutional Capacity Strengthening Continuation of engagements with key stakeholders, partners and foreign missions for the purpose of alliance building. Include LBT issues as human rights issues in policy making. Support LEGAL to conduct a needs assessment mapping of the LBT, Sex worker and drugs users community in the fifteen counties to understand their needs and provide targeted services. Repeal the law or Penal Code that discriminates the LGBT I and other members of the LGBTI community from accessing social justice and protection services. There needs to be increased collaboration amongst partners and stakeholders to share experiences and best practices that will enhance human rights work in Liberia and the Region We call for full participation of the religious leaders and traditional leaders and the parents into human rights advocacy.
Continuation of Pictorial:
Pictorial on Trainings:
International Event Pictures:
Pic Galaxy: