Muslim scientistS
Chemistry, Mathematics, Jabir Ibn Haiyan Areas : Chemistry, Mathematics, Year : 721- 867
(Algorithm, Algebra, calculus) Ibrahim al Fazari Areas : Astronomy (Algorithm, Algebra, calculus) Year : 8th Century
Ishaq Ibn Ali Al- Puhawi Areas : First Medical Ethics Book in Islamic Medicine Year : 9th Century
Abu Ali al-Ḥusayn ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina Areas : Father of Medicine Year : 10th Century
Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham Areas : Astronomy (Algorithm, Algebra, calculus) Year : 965 -1040
Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi Areas : Surgery, Medicine (Father of Modern Surgery) Year : 9th Century
Optics, Medicine, Mathematics, Metallurgy Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi Areas : Philosophy, Physics, Optics, Medicine, Mathematics, Metallurgy Year : 9th Century
Ibn Al-Nafis Damishqui Areas : Father of Anatomy Year : 7th Century
Ahmed Al-Farghani Areas : Astronomer Year : 9th Century
Muhamed Idn Musa Al-Khwarizmi Areas : Geography (Book on the appearance of the Earth) Year : 8th Century
Mathematical geography (gravity) Abu Rayhan al-Biruni Areas : Mathematical geography (gravity) Year : 9th Century
(Nizamiyah University of Baghdad) Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Areas : Philosophy (Nizamiyah University of Baghdad) Year : 10th Century
Abū al-'Iz Ibn Ismā'īl ibn al-Razāz al-Jazarī Areas : Mathematical geography (gravity) Year : 12th Century
Jazakumullahu Khairan Jaza