History of Utah
Utah’s geologic wealth is due to Utah’s geologic past Utah’s geologic wealth is due to Utah’s geologic past. Utah’s three billion year rock record can be told as chapters…. we’ll skip the first two… and they take up about 70% of the record.
3 Limestone – GREAT host rocks for mineralization Potential for oil and other hydrocarbons
4 4 Oquirrh Basin Limestone, shale, shaley limestone, limey shale 300 mya Oquirrh Basin Limestone, shale, shaley limestone, limey shale Become great host rocks for mineralization. Paradox Basin – salts Potash… waste isolation
5 200 mya SANDSTONE… rock Awesome reservoir for hydrocarbons
6 70–80 mya (Erosion to the west… bye bye earlier rock units.) COAL
7 45 mya OIL SHALE
8 MINERALIZATION Associated with impressive Igneous activity… 15 mya MINERALIZATION Associated with impressive Igneous activity… intrusions Extrusions Circulating waters.