Vocational Training Role in Employment of Nepali People Ph.D. Student, Kul B. Basnet Professor, Jinsoo Kim Dept. Of Technology Education Korea National University of Education Ph.D. Student, Kul B. Basnet Professor, Jinsoo Kim Dept. Of Technology Education Korea National University of Education Asian Conf. of AASVET, Beijing,
Vocational Education & Training (VET) Help to young professional to move from school environment to world of work. Can develop appropriate skills, improve labor supply and employability of the workforce. Economic environment determine size and nature of skill; benefit of training. Responsibility of planners linking training with economic productivity. I. INTRODUCTION 3
In Nepal number of non-skilled youth and educated unemployed are increasing fast. New job related with IT and computer are growing fast; and channeling unskilled workers into new growth area is not happening. Sustained and consolidated effort is needed. 4
Nepal Responsible institute should come up with consolidated policy and program to create job in market. To link vocational training with employment, active participation of business and industry is essential. 5
Discuss current employment situation and role of vocational training in employment in Nepal. PURPOSE 6
Situation Nepal workforce lacks productivity because of skill training Foreign employment – provide skill training before going – could easily increase annual income Gap between vocational training program and employmentNEPAL 7
Vast number of adults have either not been to school or not received any vocational training. As a result workforce lacks productivity in domestic as well as in overseas labor markets. REASON OF STUDY 8
Qualitative method Examination of written documents Descriptive analysis Authors individual experience and observation RESEARCH FRAMEWORK 9
Mosaic of culture, language and religion Ethnic group – 101 Language - 92 Economy-labor intensive Land fragmentation Sharp rise of inequality II. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXT 10
Labor intensive agriculture Cultivating fragile soils Raising livestock for low returns BASIS OF ECONOMY 11
S.N.HoldingsPercent Holdings Percent Area (ha) 1<0.50 ha <1.00 – 0.50 ha >1 ha FARM LAND OWNERSHIP AND DISTRIBUTION Source: Central Bureau of Statistics, 2001 (Agriculture Census) 12
NEPAL 2009 HDI-2.4% Rank-138 (169) Inequality Srilanka 1960 Pakistan 1970 India 1980 Bhutan 1980 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 13
DescriptionMale (%)Female(%)Total (%) Never attend school Less than primary Primary Lower secondary Secondary Higher secondary Bachelors and Masters Others Not stated0.1 POPULATION AGED 15 & OVER LEVEL OF COMPLETED EDUCATION Source: Nepal Labor Force Survey–
Agriculture – 73.9% Non- agriculture – 26.1% Paid employees % Population employment ratio – 81.7% III. EMPLOYMENT SITUATION 15
1-19hrs-11% hrs-20% 40 hrs more- 68% Employment Urban-14.2% Rural-4.2% Unemployment Rural % Urban-29.25% Total – 42% Under employment LABOR FORCE Growth rate – 2.6% Agriculture – give 90 days work/yr 16
Cumulative number Going out for employment Countrywide data (2009/2010) YearNumberYearNumberCountry NameNumber of people , /07204,533Malaysia113,900 Saudi Arab63, , /08249,051Qatar57,340 UAE33, , /09219,965Kuwait8, ,200,000 projected 2011 projected 294,094Oman3,285 Others13744 FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT Source: Department of Foreign Employment Promotion 17
Ministries Participatory District Development Program Department of Labor Department of Cottage & Small Industry CTEVT Vocational Training and Community Development Program Training Institute Skills for Employment Project NGOs Training for Employment F-skill Rural Development Bank IV. VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM 18
1. Gap between policies, plans, programs and implementation 2. Access/ Resources Labor Market Rigidities 3. Political Stability 4. Weak Governance 5. Infrastructure shortcomings V. CONSTRAINTS & OBSTACLES 19
VET 1 Develop model giving value to vocational training and skills. 2 Give opportunity to school dropout and rural people. 3 Adopt rapidly changing demands of labor market VI. CONCLUSION 20
REFERENCES ADB, DFID & ILO. (2009). Country Diagnostics Studies Highlights Nepal: Critical Development Constraints. Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal. (2004). Nepal Living Standard Survey 2003/04. Central Bureau of Statistics. (2009). Report on the Nepal Labor Force Survey 2008.National Planning Commission Secretariat, Government of Nepal. National Planning Commission. (2005). Implementation of the Brussels Program of Action for the LDCs for the Decade 2001 – Progress Report Nepal. 21