Accessing your cte curriculum Kevin Reilly Administrative Coordinator CTE Resource Center Supporting Career and Technical Education in Virginia’s Public Schools
CTE Resource Center Who We Are and What We Offer Work with Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), educators, and industry experts to develop CTE curriculum used throughout Virginia Develop instructional resources for CTE teachers Conduct inservices and other professional training for CTE teachers Offer research services and meeting space
Virginia cte curriculum grades 6-12 Virginia cte curriculum grades 6-12 If you prefer to learn about the website while actively navigating the features, log in to at this time. If navigating is a distraction for you, you may choose to participate by viewing and listening. We will provide an opportunity for you to peruse the website and ask questions at the conclusion of the presentation.
verso Virginia’s Educational Resource System Online VERSO is the acronym for Virginia’s Educational Resource System Online. This website provides access to all Virginia Career and Technical Education curriculum. To search for a course, enter a keyword in the course title or the course code in the search field.
Verso curriculum layout Duty Area Task Definition Process/Skill Questions Correlations (e.g., related standards, SOL) Duty Areas function as housing for tasks that are related. Consider them as the titles of chapters in a book. The Task, synonymous with competency, is a specific, meaningful unit of work which can be observed and measured. They typically begin with one action verb and include an object. For example, “Record client’s medical history.” We've provided you with a list of verbs that you may use to write lesson objectives that are demonstrable and competency-based. The Definition explains what a student must do to master the task/competency and also ensures that teachers across the state will interpret the task in the same way. Process/Skill Questions engage students in critical thinking and synthesis of information. These questions typically begin with who, what, where, when, why, and how. Correlations include related Standards of Learning, Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) standards and competitive events, and industry standards.
VERSO Search and view options The courses are organized into Career Clusters. These Clusters organize the thousands of available jobs into 16 groups that require similar interests and skills. To search for a course, either enter a keyword from the course title or the course code in the search field. You have options regarding how much content you wish to view at one time. The Expand All button will reveal all components of the framework. Courses organized according to Career Cluster Keyword or course code search Collapsible/expandable views
Verso view options The expanded views are customizable. Click to include or exclude definitions questions related SOLs other related standards. The Collapse all button will reduce the framework to Duty Areas and Tasks, but you can customize the expanded view by choosing to include or exclude Definitions, Process/Skill Questions, Related SOL, and Other Related Standards.
Curriculum organization Tasks common to all CTE courses Workplace Readiness Skills Demonstrating Personal Qualities and Abilities Demonstrating Interpersonal Skills Demonstrating Professional Competencies Examining All Aspects of an Industry Addressing Elements of Student Life Exploring Work-Based Learning Course-specific tasks Curriculum organization Three areas of content are repeated in all CTE course frameworks: Workplace Readiness Skills (1-22) Examining All Aspects of an Industry (23-30) Addressing Elements of Student Life (31-34) Exploring WBL (35-38) The course specific tasks/competencies will typically begin with task number 39.
Resources in the sidebar Schools keep an SCR for each student for five years, per VDOE. SCRs are checked during federal audits. SCRs are available in .csv and .docx formats. Some schools use CanDo, an online SCR tracking system. Students must demonstrate competency on 80% of the essential tasks; this is just one part of student grading. Workplace Readiness Skills instructional resources Task-by-task SOL correlations Career and technical student organization (CTSO) information Course-specific teacher resources Infusion units
Administrative planning guide (APG) APG User’s Guide Courses listed according to career cluster Courses broken out according to level (middle, high) Approved completer sequences Credential information IT’S FOR TEACHERS, TOO! Administrative planning guide (APG) Another handy tab on our website is called APG, the Administrative Planning Guide. You can get an overview of some commonly-used CTE jargon by exploring the APG Users Guide. Clicking on a career cluster will reveal all courses associated with the career cluster, broken out according to middle- vs high-school level. Using the course search bar within the APG will give you course-specific information, including concentration sequences and credential information. We’ll get a bit more into those on the following slides.
Duration and grade level(s) Prerequisites Course description Apg Course overview Course name and code Duration and grade level(s) Prerequisites Course description Here is what a course-specific page looks like. The information in the next few slides is for a course called Cybersecurity Network Systems. Here you can see an overview of the course.
APG Career Clusters and Pathways and Available Credentials Scrolling down, you can see the Career Clusters and Pathways associated with that course, as well as available credentials. Clicking on a credential will reveal handy information for teachers and students preparing for that credential (e.g., testing provider, contact information, number of test items, time allowed for test, passing score, cost).
APG Concentration (Completer) sequences Concentration sequences include at least two 36-week courses. A program completer has met the requirements for a CTE concentration sequence and all requirements for high school graduation or an approved alternative education program. Next you get into concentration sequences. Basically, these represent what courses can be paired with the course so that the student can be considered a CTE completer.
WRS Instructional Resources Lesson plans Handouts Assessment rubrics Teacher resources Quizlet vocabulary activities WRS lesson plans can be used at any time or integrated into your existing lesson plans. Consider using a few of these as you establish your own classroom expectations; WRS and your goals for classroom management are very compatible. WRS lesson plans can be left as emergency substitute plans; a teacher doesn’t need program-area-specific knowledge to deliver these lessons.
WRS Instructional Resources From our partners at the Career and Technical Education Consortium of States (CTECS) Additional lesson plan modules Practice exams Additional teacher resources Resources from the Career and Technical Education Consortium of States (CTECS), the organization that administers the workplace readiness skills assessment
Helpful Links from the VDOE Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education CTSOs Equipment for CTE Programs Industry Credentials Statistics, Reports, and Labor Market Data Helpful Links from the VDOE That’s the end of our presentation. On these last two slides we’ve included some links and ways to connect that we hope you’ll find helpful.
Connect with us Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter at Like us on Facebook at @CTEresource Follow us on Twitter @VirginiaCTE That’s the end of our presentation. On these last two slides we’ve included some links and ways to connect that we hope you’ll find helpful. Virginia’s CTE Resource Center 2002 Bremo Road, Lower Level Henrico, VA 23226 804.673.3778