O sov’reign God, our solace and our strength, in you alone we find true peace and pow’r. In all the battles which we face at length you grant resources.


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Presentation transcript:

O sov’reign God, our solace and our strength, in you alone we find true peace and pow’r. In all the battles which we face at length you grant resources for the dying hour. [Sing to the Lord 482]

You search our hearts and minds, you see our sin 2. Where can we flee as creatures who have failed? You search our hearts and minds, you see our sin and all its consequence which we bewailed. And yet, you came to set us free within.

in Christ, your Son, you granted us reprieve. 3. Your boundless love was showered from above: in Christ, your Son, you granted us reprieve. We cannot grasp the depth of your great love, but by your grace you help us to believe.

equipped for ev’ry task and service true. 4. Encouraged by your spirit we may live, equipped for ev’ry task and service true. Whatever in your providence you give, make it, O Lord, a means for serving you! Sing to the Lord 482 Projected with permission Text: John Goris, 2012, © Sing to the Lord, 2012 Tune: Walter Greatorex, 1916, alt.