2600 North mailboxes
832 East (31 inches) Measured to the back of the structure This pole is damaged and needs replacing A new pole that is just directly under the mailbox should cure the issue.
800-814 East (35 inches) Proximity between utility box and mailbox. 27” between utility and mail boxes Likely easy to relocate mailbox further west to avoid proximity. Unbolt from current location and move two feet west.
720 East (30 inches) Easy Fix Permanently attach mailbox to concrete
568 East (32 Inches) Minimum is 32 inches Sign pole is actually further away from north edge of the sidewalk.
504 East (31 Inches) Will likely require new (narrow) mailbox
Possible Solutions for 2 boxes where relocation isn’t an option Shallow mailboxes (pictured left) 18 inches compared to 21 inches Increase concrete behind boxes 650 East to dogpark we have enough room, but retaining walls might cause issues 500 East to 650 East we might not have enough space for additional concrete