Google Certification Module 11 Level 1
What should I know at the end of this module? How to create a Group How to invite members into a Group Suggestions for using Groups in the classroom
Hello! I am Jana Gerard and I am a Level 1 & Level 2 Google Certified Educator as well as a Google Certified Trainer. I am also the Learning Specialist in charge of the IDEA Studio and I am here to help you become a Google Certified Educator. You can reach me at or find me on Twitter @JanaGerard
Google groups
Go to Groups through your waffle in Drive
Create a Group Click on CREATE GROUP (upper left, red button) Create a Group name The name becomes the Group email address Create a Group description Select a Group type (Email list is easiest) Set Basic permissions (View Topics, Post, Join the Group) Click CREATE (red button at top)
Create a Group, Continued A blue box will pop up DO NOT click okay What to do if you accidentally hit okay is on the next slide Click on Invite people to join the group
Invite Group Members If you clicked on Invite people to join the group Enter the email addresses of those you wish to invite to your group (separated by commas) Click on Send invites (top left, blue button) If you clicked Okay Click on the gear in the upper right corner Click on Group settings Click on Invite members (under Members on the left side) Follow above instructions
Assign Corsework, Continued Click on Assign It can be Assign(ed) immediately OR It can be Schedule(d) It can be Save(d as a) draft to assign later
Suggestions for Using Google Groups in Classrooms Book Groups Study Groups Collaborations Interest Groups Clubs & Organizations Discussion Boards Suggestions
Practice Tasks Groups Practice Tasks
Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photograph by Startupstockphotos