Grace Episcopal Church Annual Meeting January 28, 2018
Agenda Opening Hymn (Amazing Grace) Opening Prayer (Reverend Deb) Appointment of Clerk – Marj Leeds Approval of the Minutes - January 29, 2017 Annual Meeting Senior Warden’s Comments – Stan Applegate Junior Warden’s Comments – Les Marks Election of new Vestry members for Class of 2020 Election of 2018 Deanery/Convention Delegates Treasurer’s Report – Paul Menconi and Marj Leeds Second Ballot, as needed Rector’s Report – The Rev. Dr. Deborah White Recognition of Ministry Announcement of 2018 Senior Warden Dismissal (Reverend Walter)
Amazing Grace Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace first taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed! The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures; he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures. Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'tis grace that brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. When we've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun.
Nominees for Vestry
Paula Menconi Paula is an 8 o’clocker who currently serves as the Parish Treasurer. Paula says she wants “to give back and be part of this wonderful community. God bless!”
Josh Senn Josh and his wife Jess attend the 10 o’clock service, along with their adorable two-year old daughter Emma. Josh says that he’s “been a leader on certain things in my life, I'm dedicated to what I do and I also enjoy doing new things. I'm hard working, strong, and willing to help those who need it."
Connie Towey Connie is a 10 o’clock service regular. She is a doorkeeper for Godly Play and an active member of the Casserole Patrol. Connie feels, “it will be a blessing to serve on the Vestry, as I could serve the Lord in an added capacity.”
Deanery Representative/Diocesan Convention Delegates
Barbara Brooks Barbara is running for a second term as one of Grace’s Deanery and Diocesan Convention delegates. She volunteered last year as a delegated because she feels it is important to have both representation in the larger church and to participate in the dialogue and democracy that is a hallmark of the Episcopal Church.
Pat Hambly Pat is a member of the Vestry and has been a Deanery and Diocesan Convention Delegate for approximately seven years. She says, “Grace is a very welcoming and open Christian community” and she is proud to represent the parish to the greater church.
Les Marks Les Marks is our Junior Warden. He also serves as an Eucharistic Minister and is currently a Deanery and Convention delegate. He believes his schooling and especially his work in many facets of the life of Grace will make him a good representative for the congregation.
Mary Canale Mary currently serves as our Deanery Representative/Diocesan Convention alternate. In her role she attends all Deanery meetings and the Diocesan Convention, but only votes if a regular delegate is unable to do so.
The 2018 Budget
What is SWEEPS? SWEEPS stands for Service, Worship, Education, Evangelism, Parish Life/Pastoral Care and Stewardship. These seven areas identify the major areas of ministry at Grace.
Recognition of Ministry
Announcement of Senior Warden
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord! Thanks be to god!