– 7 th February 2012 , Bruxelles -


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Presentation transcript:

– 7 th February 2012 , Bruxelles - EMODnet -Progress Meeting- Chemistry Lot A. Giorgetti M. Vinci – 7 th February 2012 , Bruxelles - 1 1 1

Chemical Lot -Introduction and summary of last year; -WPs activities/progresses discussion; -Summary of project activities; -Lessons learned; -Agenda specific questions. 2 2 2

Chemical lot – WHERE - focus on the 3 Geographic areas NORTH SEA BLACK SEA MEDITERRANEAN SEA Regional Leaders: North Sea – NERI Black Sea– MHI Med Sea – HCMR 5 spots 3 3 3

Chemical lot – WHAT- the Parameters Choice based on MSFD requirements Time series, geographically representative datasets Selected from 8 groups in 3 matrices 17 selected for product generation in the three regions 4 4 4

Summary of last year activities First half: the main activities were: Data collection & Metadata compilation; Products Generation; Coordination activities. Second half: A Critical revision of Products began in September 2011. A preliminary work for products QC was done for each partner. This brought to the open discussion of the last Liverpool coordination meeting; Beside this, following the suggestions of MODEG advisory group, the viewing services were upgraded. 5 5 5

WP2 Data Collection Metadata compilation Status at February 2012 6 6 6

Samples per parameter (described by CDI) WP2 North Sea Samples per parameter (described by CDI) Chemical group Water column Sediment Biota Pesticides 62 3 520 Antifoulants 1.433 1.696 24 Pharmaceuticals Heavy metals 2.011 2.273 Hydrocarbons 206 2.498 536 Radionuclides 475 345 Fertilisers/Nitrogen 67.700 Fertilisers/Phoshate 70.964 Organic matter (C) 2.961 2.106 - Organic matter (N) 52.871 7 7 7

WP2 Med Sea 8 8 8

WP2 Med Sea 9 9 9

WP2 Black Sea Nr Partner Country Total profiles Measurements O2 PO4 PH Alk SIO3 NO2 NO3 NH4 Total N 13 RIHMI-WDC RU 904 5343 3680 3 3404 635 2469 1654 280 33 14 SIO-RAS 147 888 837 249 226 286 855 311 361 876 152 15 MHI UA 2500 16946 877 306 127 839 379 2361 2601 436 488 16 IO-BAS BG 124 865 277 703 248 17 NIMRD RO 2268 9995 6548 10207 6892 7729 5275 18 TSU-DNA GE 10 20 25 27 30 29 YugNIRO 215 1265 365 122 39 Mb UHMI 144 745 214 64 118   TOTAL 6312 36067 12823 1261 4005 1824 14150 11284 11001 6649 681 10 10 10

WP2 Black Sea Nr Partner Country Total profiles Heavy metals in water column (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cu) Radionuclides (Cs-137, Cs-134, Sr-90) in sediments (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, As, Sr) 14 RIHMI-WDC RU 398 15 MHI UA 1343 1267 76 17 NIMRD RO 859 456 403 TOTAL 2600 854 479 11 11 11

WP3 QC/QA and Products 12 12 12

Homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) Products generation work flow summary...About available data and related products... Available data Homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) Not homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) Expert workshop –Venice, September 2010-discussion and summary of decisions for Products: Standard Diva Interpolated maps produced for parameters with homogeneous and suitable data coverage, measured on basin scale; “Time series plots”. Show station maps with plots of measured time series (not trendsnot Emodnet Chemistry target) with link to metadata. This for not homogeneous datasets as: coastal points repeated in time, datasets with fragmented coverage. 13 13 13

Work done by Regional Leaders Work shared between NODCs Products generation work flow summary Work done by Regional Leaders Work shared between NODCs Homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) Not homogeneous ditribution In time and space Metadata collection (new) DIVAdo Xml Tools for “Time series” plots, suggested ODV Diva software for NetCDF maps Index file (By Gher) (By Gher) Products Metadata Catalogue (By AWI) (By IFREMER) (By Gher) Ocean Browser Products viewing service 14 14 14

Work done by Regional Leaders Work shared between NODCs Products generation work flow summary and tech dev Work done by Regional Leaders Work shared between NODCs Homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) Not homogeneous ditribution In time and space Diva software for NetCDF maps Tools for “Time series” plots, suggested ODV (new) DIVAdo Xml Metadata collection (By Gher) Index file (By Gher) Ocean Browser (By AWI) 15 15 15

WP3 – QC/QA and Products 16 16 16

WP3 – QC/QA and Products Products QC (for Diva maps): -Scientific QC of the source data is the first step (to ensure that only trustworthy data will be used for the gridding procedure); the periodic educated evaluation of the gridded field for each Region is the core element in QC process, to identify and check: analysis parameter and temporal resolution; source datasets that needs to be checked again. 17 17 17

WP3 – QC/QA Products Revision: Maps -Mediterranean Sea: Adriatic area: to revise the analysis temporal resolution (from annual --> to seasonal); to revise the DIVA analysis parameters (S/N ration, correlation lengths); to reduce the extension of the interpolated field to the northern side of Adriatic; to improve the definition of the regular grid to avoid overlapping between the interpolated field and the coastline. Spanish area: a revision of the interpolated maps is expected (to check with chemical experts winter nitrate map); French area: a critical revision of seasonal products is expected; Cyprus area: a critical revision to the available maps is expected. ; 18 18 18

WP3 – QC/QA Products Revision: Maps Black Sea: -focus on nitrate and phosphate for products validation (with expert QC check); - a selection of products is needed between SeaDataNet and Emodnet maps (now both available on the Ocean Browser). Greater North Sea: - the interpolated maps will be better at seasonal scale – agreed that this generally is the best way to represent data – Greater North Sea will maintain its seasonal definition, eg: winter as Dec to Feb; 19 19 19

NODC – TS Sample volounteers: OGS, BSH and 3 Regional Leaders Path from DATA to PRODUCTS (time series products sample) NODC – TS Sample volounteers: OGS, BSH and 3 Regional Leaders Create: - Plots with ODV - INDEX file Commonly agreed ratio: 1plot:1sta:1param:1depth Images of time series, ... OceanBrowser GHER Map (GetMap) and URL of images (GetFeatureInfo) 20 20 20

TS products – products available until now - 21 21

TS products sample extended to OGS, BSH and Regional Leaders 22 22

WP3 – QC/QA Products Revision Time series: Defined a minimum number of points per plot, set to 4; Use of scatter points plots (avoid lines to connect plotted measures); Svg format for new plots 23 23 23

WP4 Tech Development 24 24 24

WP4 -Tech Development- About Ocean Browser viewing service... As suggested by MODEG products menu are now at the same level 25 25 25

Products Metadata Catalogue WP4 -Tech Development- Products Metadata Catalogue ...from Camioon to GEONETWORK: First idea → to manage Chemistry Lot products metadata with Camioon service used by MyOcean. Several analysis highlighted that it does not match SDN/Emodnet needs. Actual situation → Geonetwork open source software will now be adopted for this task. It was experimented with Ifremer Sextant Geoviewer. The products metadata profile XML ISO 19139 need to be checked. Maps Metadata has been loaded from DivadoXML by Regional Leaders; TS plots Metadata manually loaded by partners in Sextant CMS. http://www.ifremer.fr/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home 26 26 26

-Chemitry Lot- Activities summary First year activities → Set up of the web portal (OGS), filled with core services (Gher, Maris). Working group Mailing lists were activated (OGS). All Partners started Data collection and metadata compilation (WP2). Regional Leaders & Gher group. Products generation and web visualization. Second year activities → Continuation of data collection, metadata compilation and products generation . Expert meeting to discuss data and metadata complexity. TS products generation was common agreement. Web questionnaire (BODC) for users Feedback to increase portal functionalities . Started TS plots generation(OGS,BSH,IFREMER) and web prototype (Gher). 27 27 27

Brief activities summary -Chemitry Lot- Brief activities summary Third year activities: Continuation of data collection, metadata compilation . Continuation of TS plots generation (all partners) and Diva maps. Updates for the web as suggested by MODEG advisory group. Products critical revision (from September 2011) A Coordination group open discussion followed revision, this brought to a Validation Guideline available on the web. 28 28 28

-Chemitry Lot- Lessons Learned Source data are not always easily accessible → need to improve data flow (MSFD reporting); For some areas huge work of data/metadata standardization from source datasets; The complexity of the measurements covering 8 groups of parameters collected on 3 matrices → need to have wide metadata description and continue with adapting process of SDN infrastructure; The geographic heterogeneity of the measurements (coastal points time series Vs homogenous sampling) and of measurement methods (instrument, method, target species, target basis, grain sizes) → need to split subsets of homogeneous datasets to generate suitable products; The “exotic parameters” → need an ad hoc QC protocol; Products → need to have a regular expert revision; Users → need to evaluate different classes of users as planned in SDN2 29 29 29

Anybody using data? – year 2011 AWstats- -Chemitry Lot- Anybody using data? – year 2011 AWstats- Web portal Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth Total 180 328 (1.82 visits/visitor) 586 (1.78 Pages/Visit) 955 (2.91 Hits/Visit) 55.96 MB (170.6 KB/Visit) CDI Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth Total 558 845 (1.51 visits/visitor) 25,779 (30.51 Pages/Visit) 73,254 (86.69 Hits/Visit) 745.16 MB (881.8 KB/Visit) OceanBrowser Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth Total 477 909 (1.90 visits/visitor) 296,231 (325.89 Pages/Visit) 349,440 (384.42 Hits/Visit) 8.97 GB (9.9 MB/Visit) 30 30 30

What products for the Directive Reporting? -Chemitry Lot- What products for the Directive Reporting? → we could make Diva products with observations before a key date (such as when the MSFD was implemented) to compare any change after implementation; → we could produce histograms (in ODV), that can tell how "exceptional" a given measurement is relative to all previous measurements; → we could evaluate long-term trends. However, this was not recommended during the Experts workshop (to be undertaken by other initiatives); → we could consider nutrients ratio (with silicates, nitrogen and phosphorus); → we could include additional metadata with products, if needed; → we could consider products related to parameters like chlorophyll, DO, AL and CORG in EMODNET chemistry. Plots along a coast can be produced already from the Diva maps as a vertical section. 31 31 31

Thanks!...comments!? 32 32 32