Free Radicals and Male Organ Skin Don’t Mix


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Presentation transcript:

Free Radicals and Male Organ Skin Don’t Mix

Healthy male organ skin is one of the key components to a good-looking member – and a good-looking member is prone to attract more partners. One can easily see why keeping male organ skin in good health is therefore a laudable goal for all men. Often, male organ skin care focuses on very logical steps, such as keeping the skin well moisturized, being on the lookout for rashes and bumps, and avoiding too much direct exposure to the sun. But men also need to be aware that free radicals can cause damage to sensitive male organ skin and that their male organ health regimen needs to include steps to avoid such damage.

What are free radicals? The phrase “free radicals” has been thrown around a lot in recent years, especially among habitués of health food stores and natural markets, but what does it really mean? To answer that question, it’s necessary to go back to high school science classes. As those who excelled in science will remember, atoms are supposed to contain a pair of electrons. This keeps them “balanced,” in a sense. But sometimes an atom finds itself with only one electron – and at that point, it is considered a free radical and is rather unbalanced. Naturally, the atom prefers to be balanced, so it goes around looking for an electron to steal.

Let’s say that a bunch of free radicals are in the skin. They may grab some free electrons from the skin because that’s what they do. But in doing so, they weaken and damage the skin. The free radical damage has the effect of aging the skin before its time, causing it to look splotched, wrinkled, dry, or otherwise unappealing. Free radicals, of course, don’t limit their damage to skin, least of all to male organ skin. They can cause serious health complications. But this article is strictly focusing on the male organ skin issue.

What brings about free radicals? Clearly, it pays to keep free radicals away from the male organ skin as much as is possible. In order to do so, a man needs to know some of the causes of free radicals and subsequent damage they can bring about. Among the factors that can cause free radical damage are: Stress, which is implicated in so many health problems and issues. Stressful situations encourage the production of free radicals. Alcohol, which also plays a role in other health conditions Poor diet Too much exposure to UV rays (a special concern during summer months) Smoking Air and water pollution

What to do The best way to fight free radicals is to attack the causes (listed above) – de-stress, eat healthily, limit alcohol consumption, keep skin protected when outdoors, etc. But what about free radicals that are already out and about? Probably the most important thing a guy can do to combat free radicals and ensure better male organ skin is to make sure he gets sufficient antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients and enzymes that are essential for healthy skin; one reason they are so valuable is because they can pass on an extra electron to a free radical, changing it back into a normal atom. Increasing consumption of antioxidant-rich foods (such as blueberries, kidney beans, raspberries, artichokes, strawberries, and black plums) is important.

One other way to help fight free radicals, which desire to damage delicate male organ skin, is by the daily application of a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not just any male organ health crème will do, of course. It is imperative that the selected crème contains a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. Ideally, the crème should also include a combination of moisturizers, such as a high-end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrator (think vitamin E) in order to keep male organ skin appropriately hydrated.Man 1 Man Oil