Fourth Degree Faithful Comptroller Financial Duties


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Presentation transcript:

Fourth Degree Faithful Comptroller Financial Duties

Faithful Comptroller duties: Keep a true and faithful account of all the Financial Transactions of the Grand Chapter.

Overview: Collect all financial transactions from members and other sources Record, keep and maintain an account of all monies received Report at the regular meeting of the Grand Chapter all monies received from all sources at or between meetings. Monthly Reports Quarterly Report Annual Report Hand over all funds to Faithful Purser

Overview Continuation: Mailings Dues, Assessments, Supplies, Death Assessments Mail checks and report to the National Office: KPC National Office Attention: Charlene Thierry 1825 Orleans Ave New Orleans, LA 70116-2825 Scan via email or send a copy by US Mail to the Supreme Comptroller and Supreme Purser Exemplification Regalia/Fees and LOG Raffle Send to the Supreme Comptroller for processing Checks Make checks/Money Order/Cashier’s Check payable to: Supreme General Chapter

Overview Continuation: Maintain and update a roster of members Maintain a Financial Ledger of members Custodian of all supplies Responsible for the Chapter Seal Process the death claims Notify the National Office of all member changes to: address, name, and beneficiary Perform any other duties of a financial nature Turn over Chapter’s materials to successor

KPC Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace Financial Ledger Info Name ____________________________________ Age__________ Certificate # ____________Class__________ Address __________________________________ City/ State/ Zip Code _____________________________________________ Birth date ___________________ Date Initiated _______________________ Date Exemplified _______________ Date Expired _______________________ Beneficiary Name ____________________________ Relationship __________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City/ State/ Zip Code ________________________________________ Office Held ___________________________________________________ Year ____________________ Awards Received ______________________________________________ Year ____________________

When are dues due? All 4th Degree Members are to pay their dues in FULL by the first of the year. Dues and Partner in Education Assessments are due by March 31st of each year.

Record, Keep, and Maintain A true and faithful account of all monies received from all sources and financial transactions of the Chapter: Dues Assessments Fees Fines Fundraiser Donations Annual 990N Form

Knights of Peter Claver Ladies of Grace Financial Report GIVE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED AT REGULAR MEETING TO THE PURSER AND REPORT AT THE MONTHLY MEETING Knights of Peter Claver Ladies of Grace Financial Report Date______________________________ Collections: Dues $_____________________ Supplies $_____________________ Tax $_____________________ Donation $_____________________ Fundraiser (Bingo) $_____________________ Fundraiser (Tea) $_____________________ Fundraiser (Dinner Sale) $_____________________ ____________________ $_____________________ Total Collection $_____________________ Deposit Cash _____________________________Check_________________ Submitted By:______________________________Faithful Comptroller

Sending Notification of Deceased Sister Please email or mail notification to the Supreme Comptroller Mail a copy of a certified death certificate to the National Office

4th Degree Ladies of Grace Deceased Member Notification   Chapter Name: _________________________________ Chapter Number: _______ Chapter Official Location: _________________________________ Deceased Member Name: _________________________________ Date of Death: ________ Prepared by: _________________________________ Position: _________________________________ Contact Phone #: _________________________________ Contact Email: _________________________________ * Include a copy of the deceased member’s obituary if available. This information must be sent to the Supreme Comptroller Please note: In order for benefits to be paid, the National Office must be notified and sent an original copy of the death certificate from the Faithful Comptroller or the Beneficiary. Contact Information: Charlene Thierry at 1825 Orleans Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70116-2825.


All bills should be presented to the Faithful Navigator Approval from the body is needed to pay all bills unless bills are mandatory according to the Chapter’s bylaws Check Request Form (Voucher) Requesting Member completes Submit to Faithful Comptroller with original receipts Comptrollers submits to Faithful Purser with proper signatures Receipt Book

Sample Voucher/Check Request Form Make Check Payable to: _________________________________________________________ Amount of Check: _____________________________________________________________ Reason for Disbursement: ______________________________________________________ Check Requested by: _________________________________Date: _____________________ (Original itemized receipt must be attached if applicable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received by: ___________________________________________________________________________ Faithful Comptroller Signature: Date: Approved By: Faithful Navigator Signature: Date: Disbursed by: Faithful Purser Signature: Date: Check Date: ______ Check #: ____________________________ Amount: $____________

OFFICIAL STATEMENT SHEET Mail to the Supreme Comptroller Dues Assessments Statement Notify Supreme Comptroller any changes Transfers Reinstatements Suspensions Expulsions Exemplification of new members Death of members

CHAPTER REPORT *Navigators & Comptrollers send an email to the National Office to gain access:


Begin by setting a date, time and place where the audit can be conducted Finance Committee is to perform audits quarterly (April, July, September, January) Items for audit: Checkbook Register Financial Institution Deposit Book Monthly Bank Statements Faithful Comptroller Monthly/Quarterly Reports Faithful Purser Reports/Vouchers Receipt Book Monthly Membership Report

Present at Audit Audit Committee Faithful Navigator Faithful Comptroller Faithful Purser Note: Officers may be present for the audit, but are not allowed to perform the audit.

Finance Committee Responsibilities When performing an AUDIT: Inspect all vouchers Inspect all checks Compare Comptroller Receipt and Purser Deposit Tickets Inspect the Ledger Check monthly/quarterly report Check bank deposits

Sample Audit Report

ANNUAL REPORT Coverage period – January 1st through December 31st of each year Report all financial correspondence pertaining to the Grand Chapter Attached to each annual report a roster of all members

The Supreme Comptroller will perform a comparison to check for discrepancies, signatures, and seal: This is to be done so that discrepancies in the two rosters may be corrected without delay Signatures and Seal Make sure everything is signed an sealed to prevent a delay in receiving it and also to cut down on postage. If it is not done correctly, it will be sent back

Rule of Thumb Everywhere the Faithful Comptroller affixes her signature, make sure she also put the Chapter’s seal.

Article II Section 40 Failure to Pay Member Grand Chapter Failure to pay the annual dues/assessments shall cause a member or members to be suspended Grand Chapter Should a Grand Chapter as a body default in collecting and remitting the annual dues, the Grand Chapter shall be declared suspended and out of all benefits

Article II Section 41 Three months dues owed No member of any Grand Chapter shall be permitted to own more than three (3) months dues and assessments to her Grand Chapter

Article II Section 42 After Three Months Dues Owed After three (3) months, should a member fail to pay her dues, assessments and/or donations after having been duly notified in writing by the Faithful Comptroller of the full amount of her delinquency, she shall be dropped from the membership of the 4th Degree Ladies of Grace Division

Article II Section 43 Member Reinstatement A member may reinstate within six (6) months after being dropped from membership by paying all dues, assessments, donations, and financial obligations accrued up to the time of reinstatement, in addition to a penalty fee of two dollars ($2.00) to the Grand Chapter

Article II Section 44 Failure to Reinstate A member who fails to reinstate within six (6) months after she has been dropped from membership may only reinstate after appearing in person at the meeting, and paying her Grand Chapter the sum of $6.00 which part shall be remitted to the office of the Supreme Comptroller and the balance to remain with the Grand Chapter ($2.00 to the Supreme General Chapter; $4.00 to the Grand Chapter

Article II Section 45 Not Reinstating within Six Months Members who are dropped from the rolls of the 3rd Degree Division shall automatically be dropped from the rolls of the 4th Degree. Said members may reinstate, if approved by the local Grand Chapter and after restating in the 3rd Degree Division and having two (2) continuous years of membership from the time of reinstatement

Other Duties & Responsibilities Bond The Faithful Comptroller shall be bonded in the amount sufficient to cover expenses The cost of the bond shall be paid out of the funds of the Grand Chapter She shall perform other duties

QUARTERLY PASSWORD Passwords are given on a quarterly basis: First Quarter in: Jan - Mar Second Quarter: Apr - Jun Third Quarter: Jul - Sep Fourth Quarter: Oct - Dec

QUARTERLY DEATH ASSESSMENTS First Quarter: January - March Second Quarter: April - June Third Quarter: July - September Fourth Quarter: October - December

Exemplification Process

EXEMPLIFICATION GUIDELINES Nominations and Voting Send notice to Gracious Ladies of Balloting Gracious Ladies Nominate (Prospective Candidate Nomination Form) Candidate must be a member of KPCLA for two continuous years to be considered Candidate must NOT be made aware of their nomination (Article II, Section 17) Majority Vote (limit 5 candidates per year) Invitation Invite is extended Application Regalia Requirements

EXEMPLIFICATION GUIDELINES Submission Submit complete Exemplification Packet to the Supreme Comptroller Approvals Wait for approvals from the Supreme Navigator and Supreme Comptroller Exemplification Send notice to your Grand Chapter of the date of Exemplification Notify Candidates (date, time, regalia, chain, rosary) Post Exemplification Send entire packet to Supreme Comptroller for final processing


Thank You for your Service to the 4th Degree Ladies of Grace! Lean not on your own understanding but always on God’s word and the LOG By-laws….you’ll never be wrong!  

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