Literary Elements: Review (Or… it should be… this is a review… right?!?)
Repetition Repetitive combination of lines or stanzas. Sometimes called a pattern Can be both auditory (sound) and visual (on the paper)
Symbol/Symbolism Can be obvious metaphors: An object that is given additional deeper meaning, different from its literal one. Can be obvious metaphors: My heart was cloaked in a dark black sheath Can be subtle comparisons: I stood at the fork in the road
Tone The WRITER’s attitude toward the subject or audience. Think TONE OF VOICE Poems often include a TONE SHIFT, where you can see a change in tone from one feeling to another.
Theme: Underlying message Commentary from the author Can be a critical belief about life or humanity that the author is trying to get across. In poetry, can be one word, but also can be a phrase. Do not confuse subject and theme; subject is a topic that is the foundation for the work, while theme is the opinion or commentary on the subject
That was review… right?