Ad-hoc Task Group on Hydromorphology


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CIS Work Programme WFD Team, DG ENV.D.2, European Commission.
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Presentation transcript:

Ad-hoc Task Group on Hydromorphology Information ongoing work on GEP and recent workshop on 'Significant adverse effect on use‘ SCG Meeting 17 May 2018, Brussels

CIS Work Programme 2016-2018 Ad-hoc Task Group Hydromorphology Working Group ECOSTAT Harmonized environmental requirements and emerging good practices for HMWBs Appendix to CIS Guidance Document No. 4 on GEP Policy oriented HYMO issues - Workshop on ‘Significant adverse effect on use’

Typical uses leading to HMWB designation Water storage Flood protection Agricultural drainage Inland navigation Uses also at coastal and transitional waters Notes: Data from, 31 Jan 2018. Based on preliminary data reported for 25 MS; no data are included for EL, IE and LT. The uses in this figure are based on the pre-defined list for reporting water uses of HMWB in WISE. © Mair

Progress: Reports on GEP mitigation measures Water storage (finalised) Flood protection (finalised) Agricultural drainage (finalised) Inland navigation (workshop report) Coastal- and transitional waters (draft) Including inter alia Data from questionnaires Outlining ‚state of play‘ Overview mitigation measures for GEP Overview reasons for ruling out measures Link:

Steps for HMWB designation / GEP definition Role of ‘Significant adverse effects’ of measures Provisional identification as HMWB Step 7 – 9 Final designation as HMWB/AWB Step 10 – 11 Establishment of MEP and GEP Source: CIS Guidance Document No. 4 (2003)

Workshop „Significant adverse effects on use or wider environment“ Organised on 23-24 April 2018 in Brussels Objectives Exchange experiences on assessment of significant adverse effects Clarification on common understanding, open issues and challenges Gain input for ongoing work on new Appendix to CIS Guidance Document no. 4 on GEP Discussion paper Parallel group discussions Water storage Flood protection Agricultural drainage Inland navigation Effects on multiple uses and wider environment Link:

Significant adverse effects Need for harmonized approaches RBMPs State of Play: Often qualitative criteria and expert judgement rather than quantitative criteria Approach for defining 'significant adverse effects' of measures (and therefore GEP definition) often unclear and not transparent Exchange at workshop inter alia on: What is exactly considered as a “use”? Types of adverse effects of measures on different uses and possibilities for quantification? Adverse effects VERSUS significant adverse effects? Measures frequently considered having significant adverse effects / no significant adverse effects for different uses? Appropriate scales for assessment during HMWB designation / GEP? Distinguishing between significant adverse effects and costs of measures (linked to exemptions)? Results parallel working group discussions - see presentations:

Next steps Workshop ‘Significant adverse effects’ End May: Circulation draft workshop report to participants End June: Deadline provision of comments Afterwards finalization of workshop report, feeding into work on GEP Guidance GEP Guidance (Appendix to CIS Guidance no. 4): End May: Discussion first draft at 36th ECOSTAT meeting Summer/autumn: Update of document and integration of workshop results Autumn: Discussion of updated draft at 37th ECOSTAT and SCG meetings Afterwards further development and finalization

Other HYMO deliverables within the ECOSTAT Work Programme Reports on hydromorphological assessment methodologies (Rivers) available (final): Part 1 – Summary of European country questionnaires Part 2 – Summary report of workshop – Key conclusions & recommendations LINK:

Thank you for your attention! CIS Guidance Documents: Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this presentation are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission."