Brainstorm Summarize the ten marketing activities and indiciate which high school courses (besides marketing) which you would take if you wanted to get into that field. BMI3C Unit 1
Research Marketing Activities conduct surveys gather information analyse data BMI3C Unit 1
Product Development Marketing Activities create product to satisfy customer’s needs BMI3C Unit 1
Pricing Marketing Activities establish how much to charge for the product based on cost of materials, how much consumer is willing to spend BMI3C Unit 1
Packaging Marketing Activities develop package to attract attention, safely contain product BMI3C Unit 1
Branding Marketing Activities develop a name, trademark, slogan, logo—identity—for the product BMI3C Unit 1
Sales Marketing Activities organize or be involved in the process of getting the product into the consumers’ hands BMI3C Unit 1
Physical Distribution Marketing Activities Physical Distribution getting the product from factory to where it is accessible to the consumer BMI3C Unit 1
Inventory Management Marketing Activities calculating how many of each product need to be stocked to satisfy consumers’ needs BMI3C Unit 1
Storage Marketing Activities where will you keep the product between production and retailer? BMI3C Unit 1
Promotion Marketing Activities making consumers aware of your product and its merits BMI3C Unit 1