The Solar System and Beyond


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Presentation transcript:

The Solar System and Beyond

Tuesday 19 June Introduction to the Universe SLO: To gain an understanding of the size of the Universe. Go over Finding Nemo test and review unit. Handouts (paste into books): SLO’s, keywords. The most important image ever taken – the hubble deep field Hubble deep field Size of the universe Got balls? Planet size comparison Got balls?

Friday 22 June The motion of the Earth and the Moon SLO: Describe how the Earth and moon travel around the Sun. Finish looking at the size of the Universe. Where does the Sun rise and set? What did ancient civilisations think? How far away is the Moon? (modelling with basketball and tennis ball). Watch space misconceptionsHow far.. size of sun,earth,moon Drawing diagrams to model the position of the earth, moon, sun. Homework: Review keywords – orbit, satellite, year. Quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday 26 June The Moon SLO: Describe the different theories of the origin of the Moon and understand why there are differences of opinion within the scientific community. Pop quiz How did the Moon get there? Discussion/ideas/evidence Origins of the Moon activity – group work/presentations

Friday 29 June Phases of the Moon SLO: Describe how we get the phases of the Moon and lunar eclipses. Review the creation of the Moon. Phases of the Moon powerpoint, diagrams and demonstration. Ray diagrams for lunar eclipses. Cut and paste activity 7Lb/1. Homework: Review keywords so far. Complete 7Lb/2 All about the Moon. Due date Tuesday 15 April

Tuesday 3 July The Sun

Friday 6 July The motion of the Earth, Moon and the Sun SLO: Describe how the Earth and moon travel around the Sun. Pop quiz on keywords. ES p 140-141 – as a class/discuss key ideas. Sun/Earth/Moon – physical relationship. How did different cultures explain day and night? ES p 140-141 questions. Homework: Check out the resources on our weebly page.

Tuesday 22 August Our Solar System SLO: List the planets in our solar system in order – define planet. Eclipses – recap from last week. What is a lunar eclipse? What is a solar eclipse? Our solar system solar system Journey through out planet - the Solar System powerpoint.

Wednesday 12 April The Solar System continued SLO: List the planets in our solar system in order – define planet. Finish the Solar System ppt (up to Earth). The Solar System reading and question sheet. What is a planet?

Thursday 13 April Solar system and Universe beyond SLO: List the planets in our solar system in order – define planet. Pop quiz on the Solar System. Video: Solar system and the universe beyond While watching the video, list any interesting facts about the solar system and the universe that you didn’t know.

Tuesday 2 May The Seasons SLO: Describe how the tilt of the Earth and its motion causes the seasons. What causes the temperature difference between summer/winter? Diagram/The Seasons powerpoint. ES pg 144-145 – how light is spread/angles. Copy key points and answer questions from pg 144-145.

No Science School Cross-country Wednesday 3 May No Science School Cross-country

Thursday 4 May The night sky SLO: Explain why we can see stars and planets at night. Explain what stars and constellations are. Recap the seasons – video and pop quiz Mechanism of the seasons Research activity – Why do we see stars and planets at night? Working in pairs to find the information, but individually writing up your research in your books. Research tips – how best to start.

Tuesday 9 May The night sky continued SLO: Explain why we can see stars and planets at night. Explain what stars and constellations are. Continue working in pairs on research task. Present one part of task – ancient civilisations.

Wednesday 30 August How ideas have changed over time SLO: Explain how scientists have helped change out ideas about the Solar System over time. Videos – create a mind map of your ideas. ES pg 148-149 – recent advances in exploration of space. NOS Assignment – hand out and go over. Ideas of how to create a time line and research.

Thursday 11 May NOS Time line assignment SLO: Explain how scientists have helped change our ideas about the Solar System over time. Use library resources and devices to create a time line.

Tuesday 16 May NOS Time line Assignment SLO: Explain how scientists have helped change our ideas about the Solar System over time. Use library resources and devices to create a time line. Hand in time line at the end of the lesson.

Wednesday 17 May Review of topic Review lesson and prepare for test.

Thursday 18 May End of topic TEST End of topic TEST and Keywords test