EmEx-Award Emergency Center of Excellence EmEx-Award offers EDs with superior performance the opportunity to be designated as an Emergency Center of Excellence superiority based on EmEx-Compare performance On-site verification is required to protect the integrity of the Emergency Center of Excellence designation Our emergency nurse reviewer will visit your ED and review ED processes, systems, charts, etc. and speak with ED staff to verify previously submitted performance indicators
EmEx-Award Emergency Center of Excellence Benefits Build goodwill with your patients and your community Your improved reputation will increase your ED volume Recognize performance excellence Enhance staff morale Improve performance through the spirit of competition by creating a tangible goal
EmEx-Award Emergency Center of Excellence Pricing: $5,000 (plus reasonable travel expenses) Designation endures for two years Our design team can assist your marketing department in the creation of individualized, print-ready materials as well as a press release
info@emergencyexcellence.com www.emergencyexcellence.com Improving Performance Recognizing Excellence info@emergencyexcellence.com www.emergencyexcellence.com 1-877-700-EMEX