4E-BP is present in an 80 kDa complex in unfertilized eggs. 4E-BP is present in an 80 kDa complex in unfertilized eggs. (A) Proteins (5 mg) from extracts prepared from unfertilized or from extracts from 30 minutes post-fertilization eggs were separated by chromatography on a Sephacryl-200 column and were monitored by absorbance at 280 nm. The bars show the position of 4E-BP from unfertilized (open bar) and from 30 minutes post-fertilization (filled bar) eggs as determined by western blot analysis of each fraction using an anti-human 4E-BP2 antibody. The column was calibrated with the molecular mass standards indicated at the top. (B,C) Aliquots of each eluted fraction were resolved by electrophoresis and analysed by western blotting using 4E-BP2 antibodies. The position of the molecular mass standards (in kDa) used to calibrate the gel filtration column is indicated by arrows at the top of the figure. Data are representative of two independent experiments. Patrick Salaün et al. J Cell Sci 2005;118:1385-1394 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2005