Career and career choices
Unit 1: Commitment to a decision taken
Do I study further? Full –time or part-time? What must I study? What do I do after Grade 12? Do I study further? Full –time or part-time? What must I study? Do I apply for job? Where do I start? What about a gap year? DECISIONS – DECISIONS - DECISONS
1.1 Commit to decision taken Decisions=resolutions to make up your mind about a choice after considering the different options Decisions are based on your: Interests Strengths Weaknesses Skills Abilities Personality
Commit=to promise to do something; to work very hard to do something; to not give up After you make a decision, you have toCOMMITtoit Decisions do not lead to much – you haveto ACT ON YOUR DECISION What does this mean?
1.2. Job or course applications for additional or higher education Application hints: refer topg80 Job application: Are you sure this is what you want to do? Have you gathered enough information on various options? Have you researched the jobs in detail?
1.2. Job or course applications for additional or higher education……. Application for a course at a higher education institution (HEI) or for additional education Are therecourses, other than at university, that will be better suited to you? Is theclosestHEI, necessarily the best for you? Fees? Reputationof HEI? Is the HEI orcoursearecognised? Check with SAQA/NQF/CHE Where will you stayif the HEI is far away?
1.3. Skills for final action Availability of funds: Bursary Scholarship Student loan Learnership(contact the SETA for the sector you are interested in)
1.3. Skills for finalaction….. Complete forms: Seepgs83-84 for examples and what to remember
1.3. Skills for finalaction……. Accommodation and travel arrangements: Where will you stay? What are the advantages and disadvantages of that accommodation option What travel arrangements will you have to make? Cost?
1.4. Locate work or study opportunities Where do I get career information??? pg85-86
1.5.Requirements for acceptance and possible challenges You have the necessary marks, qualifications, experience You have completed the application forms correctly You met the due dates
Possiblechallenges: Availability of funding Not being able to follow your first choice of study programme Transport & accommodation Lack of jobs that interest you You have to move far away from home Language of instruction is not your home language
1.6. Strategies to achieve goals SMARTgoals Specific – exact and not general Measurable – you can see when you have achieved your goal/made progress towards it Achievable – you can reach this goal, it is within your abilities, it is possible Realistic – your goal is practical and sensible Timely – you can achieve it within the time you have set yourself
1.6. Strategies to achievegoals…. Once you have set youSMARTgoal: Make anaction planto achieve it Carry outthe action plan Evaluateif you have achieved your goal or how far you still have to go
Unit 2: Reasons for and impact of unemployment
2.1. Reasons for unemployment Recession–downturn, slump, decline Unemployment–being without a job, jobless Many reasons for unemployment SA not the only country with a high unemployment rate In SA the greatest number of unemployed people is between the ages of 15 and 35 (youth unemployment is a serious problem)
2.1. Reasons forunemployment… Specific reasons for youth unemploymentpg91 Reasons for unemploymentpg90
2.2. Impact of unemployment Unemployed people lose hope, self-respect and motivation This causes family conflicts, substance abuse, illness, crime, and child abuse They may be forced to accept low paying jobs The unemployed don’t pay tax, so the government has less money to provide training and create jobs This is known as theCYCLE OF UNEMPLOYMENTpg93
2.2. Impact ofunemployment…. Crime Exploitation Humantrafficking HIV and AIDS Child abuse Exclusion and loneliness Not feeling like a South African citizen Poverty Hunger Homelessness Lack of education & training Substance abuse Physical & mental health suffers
Unit 3: innovative solutions to counteract unemployment
3.1. Volunteering, part-time jobs, community work, entrepreneurship and informal jobs
3.1. Volunteering, part-time jobs, community work, entrepreneurship and informal jobs………
3.1.Volunteering, part-time jobs, community work, entrepreneurship and informal jobs…..
3.2.Financial and social viability of entrepreneurship and other employment options Create work and employ others In SA formal jobs are scarce Draw up abusiness plan Become anentrepreneur
3.3. SARS obligations Income tax is the governments main source of income It is every citizens duty to pay tax What does the government do with the tax? Tax threshold Key words: -Income tax -SARS -Tax threshold -Non-compliance -Tax dodging
3.4.The impact of corruption and fraud on the individual, company, community and country Key words: *corruption= dishonesty, misuse of public power and money for private benefit *fraud= to swindle, scam, cheat or deceive *cronyism= favouritism shown to friends, regardless of their qualifications Forms of corruption: Bribery Influence peddling Stealing public resources Nepotism & cronyism Favouritism Extortion
3.4.The impact of corruption and fraud on the individual, company, community andcountry….. Impact of corruption on: Individuals Companies Communities The country What to do? - Never take part in corruption - Report corruption