在彼有生命水 Je-sus, keep me near the cross There a pre-cious foun-tain


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Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
Near the Cross Jesus, keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain Free to all, a healing stream Flows from Calvary’s mountain.
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領我到髑髏地 Lead me to Calvary
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How Great is Our God 我神真偉大
Jesus, keep me near the cross; there a precious fountain,
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
求主使我靠十架 在彼有生命水 宝血由十架流下 白白赐人洗罪
How Great is Our God 我神真偉大
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Presentation transcript:

在彼有生命水 Je-sus, keep me near the cross There a pre-cious foun-tain 1/16 教會聖詩 #198

白白赐人洗罪 Free to all, a heal-ing stream Flows from Cal-vary’s moun-tain 1b 宝血由十架流下 白白赐人洗罪 Free to all, a heal-ing stream Flows from Cal-vary’s moun-tain 2/16

*1c 十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀 In the cross, in the cross Be my glo-ry ev-er 3/16

唯靠耶稣宝血 *1d 我众罪都洗清洁 Till my rap-tured soul shall find Rest be-yond the riv-er 4/16

蒙救主的爱怜 At the cross I stood one day Love and mercy found me 2a 我来到主十架前 5/16

照亮我的心田 There the bright and morn-ing star Sheds its beams a-round me 6/16

*2c 十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀 In the cross, in the cross Be my glo-ry ev-er 7/16

唯靠耶稣宝血 *2d 我众罪都洗清洁 Till my rap-tured soul shall find Rest be-yond the riv-er 8/16

思念昔日情景 Near the cross! O Lamb of God Bring its scenes be-fore me 9/16

紧紧跟主前行 Help me walk from day by day With its shad-ows o’er me 10/16

*3c 十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀 In the cross, in the cross Be my glo-ry ev-er 11/16

唯靠耶稣宝血 *3d 我众罪都洗清洁 Till my rap-tured soul shall find Rest be-yond the riv-er 12/16

盼望信心加增 Near the cross I’ll watch and wait Hop-ing, trust-ing ev-er 13/16

天家永享安稳 Till I reach the gold-en strand Just be-yond the riv-er 14/16

*4c 十字架 十字架 永是我的荣耀 In the cross, in the cross Be my glo-ry ev-er 15/16

唯靠耶稣宝血 *4d 我众罪都洗清洁 Till my rap-tured soul shall find Rest be-yond the riv-er 16/16