GMDSS ships -radio watch at sea-
When at sea, ships equipped according to GMDSS specifications shall maintain continuous radio watch in accordance with the requirements of the sea area in which the ship is sailing.
A) Ships fitted with a VHF radio installation shall keep continuous watch on VHF DSC ch. 70. B) Ships fitted with MF radio installation shall keep continuous watch on MF DSC distress and safety frequency 2187.5 kHz.
C) Ships fitted with MF/HF radio installation shall keep continuous watch on the DSC frequencies assigned for distress and safety 2187.5 kHz and 8414.5 kHz and also at least one other HF DSC distress from the ff: 4207.5 kHz, 6312.0 kHz, 12577.0 kHz or 16804.5 kHz Scanning 2187.5 / 8414.5 kHz
Inmarsat-C for SafetyNet messages HF-MSI (Telex) E) Ships stations should also keep a continuous watch for MSI (Maritime Safety Information) in the Sea Area in which the ship is sailing, by means of: NAVTEX receiver (518kHz) Inmarsat-C for SafetyNet messages HF-MSI (Telex) Inmarsat C HF Radiotelex NAVTEX
F) Wherever practicable, ships should maintain listening watch on VHF channel 13 (156.650MHz) for communication aimed at ensuring safe navigation. 13