The role of FOXN1 in initiation of terminal differentiation. The role of FOXN1 in initiation of terminal differentiation. (A-H) Clonogenicity assays. (A, B) Keratinocytes transduced with pBabepuro (empty vector). (C-H) Keratinocytes transduced with pBabepuroFOXN1ER. The plated cells were treated with ethanol (A,C,E) or 4OHT (B,D,H) for 14 days or with 4OHT for 4 hours (F) or 24 hours (G). (I) Differentiation assays were performed by treating FOXN1ER-transduced keratinocytes as shown or suspending uninfected keratinocytes for 24 hours and measuring the percentage of involucrin-positive cells. The means and standard errors are shown from three experiments. (J) Immunoblot of endogenous FOXN1 in keratinocytes held in suspension for the number of hours shown. The blots were probed with antibodies to FOXN1 or, as a loading control, Erk2. Sam M. Janes et al. J Cell Sci 2004;117:4157-4168 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2004