Sunday School Theme: The Family Adolescents Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
The salvation of the family com Ló “When the morning dawned, the angels urged Lot to hurry, saying, "Arise, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city.” Genesis 19:15 Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
SODOM GOMORRAH Lot was Abraham’s nephew. Abraham lived In Canaan and Lot lived in Sodom GOMORRAH SODOM LOT ABRAHAM Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
God spoke to Abraham about the destruction of the cities. Sodom and Gomorrah were filled with sin and wickedness, that increased every day God spoke to Abraham about the destruction of the cities. SODOM GOMORRAH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
Abraham remebered that his nephew Lot lived in Gomorrah. Abraham prayed to God! ABRAHAM Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
Arise, take your wife and daughters and leave the city! And do you know what God did? Arise, take your wife and daughters and leave the city! God sent two angels to save Lot’s family. LOT Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
We do this when we listen and practice the Word of Lord. Just like Lot, we must be attentive and let in our hearts only what comes from God We do this when we listen and practice the Word of Lord. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
wife was disobedient and became a pillar of salt. Lot’s family received and orientation from God to not look back But Lot’s wife was disobedient and became a pillar of salt. LOT Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
We must persevere in serving the Lord everyday. We can’t do like Lot’s wife , who disobeyed God and lost the blessing We must persevere in serving the Lord everyday. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
Let us be faithful to the Lord and pray for our relatives. Abraham was faithful to the Lord, he prayed and his family was saved Let us be faithful to the Lord and pray for our relatives. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
The family is a project of God, so we must value it and love it each day “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:31b Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson
Question for the Adolescents What did God do for Lot and his Family after Abraham’s prayer? Answer: He sent two angels to deliver them from death. “Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening,and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom; when Lot saw them,he rose to meet them,and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground.” Genesis 19:1 Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 5th lesson