Formal Methods Lecture 16 March 22, 2011 CS 315 Spring 2011 Adapted from slides provided by Jason Hallstrom and Murali Sitaraman (Clemson) CS 315 Spring 2011
Requirements vs. Specifications Requirements definition Intended for customers in addition to software developers Informal descriptions are necessary Specification For use by members of a software development team Formal (mathematical) descriptions are necessary
Interface Specification Serves as a contract between component users (clients) and developers (implementers) Typically describes the demands on users and responsibilities for implementers Should present the essentials in “user-oriented” terms (abstraction) and hide the inessentials (information hiding)
Informal Specification: Examples C++ STL Template specifications Java util component specifications Questions for discussion Do they support information hiding? Do they support abstraction? Can they generalize? Is it possible to make them unambiguous?
Informal Specifications Straightforward descriptions Push pushes an object on a stack How much do they help? Use of metaphors A Queue is like a line at a fast food restaurant Do they generalize? Use of implementation details Push behaves like AddElement method on Vector Is this appropriate for a user-oriented cover story? CS 315 Spring 2011
Informal Specifications See Bertrand Meyer’s article on Formal Specifications in IEEE Computer: Problems with even very carefully designed informal specs Contradiction Noise … CS 315 Spring 2011
Formal Interface Specification Communicates precisely the demands and responsibilities to component users and developers Allows for independent development of client and implementation components in parallel in a team environment Minimizes integration costs CS 315 Spring 2011
Reasoning Benefits Formal Specifications make it possible to formally reason about correctness of software Such reasoning may be manual or mechanical (i.e. with automate support) CS 315 Spring 2011
Languages for Formal Specification ANNA (and SPARK) for Ada JML for Java Larch/C++ for C++ Spec# for C3 … Eiffel RESOLVE VDM Z CS 315 Spring 2011
Specification Language Summary Some specification languages are designed for particular programming languages Some are general purpose Some specification languages are integrated with programming constructs A few additionally integrate the ability to perform formal mathematical reasoning CS 315 Spring 2011
Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning CS 315 Spring 2011
Motivating Example What does the following code do to Integer I, where Foo1 and Bar1 are functions that modify their argument? I = Foo1(I); I = Bar1(I); CS 315 Spring 2011
Or, what does this code do to integers I and J? Motivating Example Or, what does this code do to integers I and J? I = Foo2(I,J); J = Bar2(I,J); I = Bar2(I,J); CS 315 Spring 2011
Motivating Example Now, what does this code do to Integer I? I = Next(I); I = Prev(I); How sure are we? Have to account for bounds in our analysis Summary: … Need formal descriptions beyond just names CS 315 Spring 2011
What does this code do to Integers I and J? Motivating Example What does this code do to Integers I and J? I = Sum (I,J); J = Difference (I,J); I = Difference (I,J); How sure are we? CS 315 Spring 2011
Specification of Integer Operations Think of ints as integers in math Constraints, for all Integers I: Min_Int <= I <= Max_Int Operation Next (I:Integer): Integer; requires I < Max_Int; ensures Next = I + 1; Operation Prev (I:Integer): Integer; requires I > Min_Int; ensures Prev = I – 1; CS 315 Spring 2011
Specification of Integer Operations Can parameter values change? Depending on the language Depending on how parameters are passed in Need to make it clear with a specification whether or not a parameter can be modified Operation Next (preserves I: Integer): Integer; requires I < Max_Int; ensures Next = I + 1; CS 315 Spring 2011
Specification of Integer Operation Operation Next (I: Integer): Integer; requires I < Max_Int; ensures Next = I + 1; Ambiguous Specification Operation Next (preserves I: Integer): Integer; requires I < Max_Int; ensures Next = I + 1; Clear Specification – I unchanged Operation Increment (updates I: Integer): Integer; requires I < Max_Int; ensures I = #I + 1; Clear Specification – I modified CS 315 Spring 2011
Specify Decrement Operation Exercise Specify Decrement Operation CS 315 Spring 2011
Meaning of Specifications Requirements and guarantees Requires clauses are preconditions Ensures clauses are postconditions Callers are responsible for requirements Caller of Increment is responsible for making sure input I < Max_Int Guarantees hold only if callers meet their requirements CS 315 Spring 2011
Using a Specification A specification can be implemented various ways Have to judge if code meets specification Example – the Code appears to do what the Spec says but the Spec and Code don’t agree – fix them Spec Operation Do_Nothing (updates I:Integer); requires … ensures I = #I; Code Increment (I); Decrement (I); CS 315 Spring 2011
Methods for Checking Correctness Testing Tracing or Inspection Mathematical Reasoning CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning Goal: To prove correctness Method: The rest of this presentation Consequences: Can provide correctness on all valid inputs Can show the absence of bugs CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example – Prove Correctness Spec: Operation Do_Nothing (updates I: Integer); requires I < Max_Int; ensures I = #I; Code: Increment(I); Decrement(I); CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example – Prove Correctness Establish the goals in state-oriented terms using a table Assume Confirm Increment (I); 1 Decrement (I); 2 I2 = I0 CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example – Prove Correctness Assume the requires clause at the beginning (Why?) Assume Confirm I0 < Max_Int and … Increment (I); 1 Decrement (I); 2 I2 = I0 CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example – Prove Correctness Assume calls work as advertised Assume Confirm I0 < Max_Int and … Increment (I); 1 I1 = I0 + 1 Decrement (I); 2 I2 = I1 - 1 I2 = I0 CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example – Prove Correctness Prove the goal(s) using assumptions Prove I2 = I0 I2 = I1 -1 (assumption in State 1) = (I0 + 1) – 1 (assumption in state 1) = I0 (simplification) More proof needed … CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example – Prove Correctness More assertions to be confirmed (Why?) Assume Confirm I0 < Max_Int and … Increment (I); 1 I1 = I0 + 1 I1 > Min_Int Decrement (I); 2 I2 – I1 - 1 I2 = I0 CS 315 Spring 2011
Basics of Mathematical Reasoning Suppose you are verifying code for some operation P Assume its required clause in state 0 Confirm its ensures clause at the end Suppose that P calls Q Confirm the requires clause of Q in the state before Q is called. Why? Assume the ensures clause of Q in the state after Q. Why? Prove assertions to be confirmed CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness Spec: Operation Do_Nothing (updates I: Integer); ensures I = #I; Code: If (I < Max_Int()) then Increment(I); Decrement(I); end; CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness These specs are the same Spec: Operation Do_Nothing (updates I: Integer); ensures I = #I; Operation Do_Nothing (restores I: Integer); CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness Establish the goals in state-oriented terms using a table Condition Assume Confirm If (I < Max_Int()) 1 Increment (I); 2 Decrement (I); 3 End; 4 I4 = I0 CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness Establish the conditions Condition Assume Confirm If (I < Max_Int()) 1 I0 < max_int Increment (I); 2 Decrement (I); 3 End; 4 I4 = I0 CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness Establish sub-goals for different conditions Condition Assume Confirm If (I < Max_Int()) 1 I0 < max_int Increment (I); 2 Decrement (I); 3 End; 4.1 not(I0 < max_int) I4 = I0 4.2 I4 = I3 CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness Fill in other assumptions and obligations as before Condition Assume Confirm If (I < Max_Int()) 1 I0 < max_int I1 = I0 Increment (I); 2 I2 = I1 + 1 Decrement (I); 3 I3 = I2 - 1 End; 4.1 not(I0 < max_int) I4 = I0 4.2 I4 = I3 CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness Prove the subgoal(s) 4.1 Case: not(I0 < max_int) Prove I4 = I0 True from assumption 4.2 Case: (I0 < max_int) Prove: I3 = I0 (assumption in state 4) Prove: (I2 – 1) = I0 (assumption in state 3) … CS 315 Spring 2011
Mathematical Reasoning: Example 2 – Prove Correctness For the condition (I0 < max_int), additional proofs are needed These proofs of assertion to be confirmed in States 1 and 2 are left as exercises. CS 315 Spring 2011