SENSITIZATION OF COUNTY HEALTH LABORATORY COORDINATORS ABOUT STRENGTHENING LABORATORY MANAGEMENT TOWARDS ACCREDITATION (SLAMTA) PROGRAM KAVI – Institute of Clinical Research (KAVI – ICR) undertook an exercise to sensitize the various Public Health Laboratory Coordinators about the Strengthening Laboratory Management Towards Accreditation (SLAMTA) program and the expectations for the parties. This workshop was geared towards briefing the Coordinators about the role KAVI-ICR is playing in taking (Training & Mentoring) the Six (6) Public Health Laboratories through the SLAMTA program and what is expected of them and the County Governments in terms of support to the program. KAVI-ICR is currently mentoring Public Health laboratories in preparation for the accreditation process; Mbagthi District Hospital Kajiado District Hospital Naivasha District Hospital Eastern Deanery Aids Relief Fund Laboratories(EDARP) Kerugoya District Hospital Pumwani District Hospital Venue for the workshop: Maanzoni.Limited Date: 22nd -24th September, 2014 Participants: 47 Public Health Laboratory Coordinators Facilitators: KAVI-ICR Staff