Matt. 5:21-48
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) I. CONTEXT A. Jesus was preaching the Gospel (Matt. 4:23). B. In The Context Of Living Under The Old Law (Matt. 5:17-20). C. Thus, He Addresses The System Of Interpretations By The Scribes & Pharisees (Matt. 5:20). a. “Hate thine enemy” (Mt. 5:43)? b. Doing righteousness before men (6:1ff).
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) II. “Thou Shalt Not Murder…” (5:21-26) A. The Rule Addresses A Specific Action – But Contains A Deeper Principle. 1. Murder. 2. Anger without cause (cf. Eph. 4:26; Mk. 3:5). 3. Raca = Expression of contempt, denoting senseless, stupid, shallow-brains. 4. Fool = more than lack of wisdom, the highest guilt, idolaters (Deut 22:21) and those guilty of great crimes.
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) II. “Thou Shalt Not Murder…” (5:21-26) B. HATRED equivalent to MURDER. 1. Hate - motive behind murder (1Jn.3:11-15). 2. Tied to bitterness, wrath, anger, grievous yelling, evil speaking (Eph. 4:31). 3. Results in: a. Defilement of self & others; loss of peace (Heb. 12:14-15). b. Judgment by earthly rulers (Mt. 5:22). c. Judgment by God (Mt. 5:23).
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) II. “Thou Shalt Not Murder…” (5:21-26) C. The Solution To Transgressions (5:23-26). 1. Recognize your own faults (5:23). Easy to focus on others… hardest to look at self. 2. Do not think God will accept you without humility & repentence toward your fellow man (5:24)! 3. AGREE quickly, don’t let pride or anger turn this into further conflict (5:25)! 4. Understand you DESERVE consequences (5:26)!
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) III. “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery…” (5:27-32) A. The Rule Addresses A Specific Action – But Contains A Deeper Principle. 1. Adultery. 2. Look to lust in heart (2 Sam. 11:2ff). 3. Seriousness of all sin (5:29-30). 4. You can be guilty of CAUSING another to commit adultery (5:32)!
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) III. “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery…” (5:27-32) B. Hold Marriage In Honor (Heb. 13:4)! 1. Don’t Commit Adultery. 2. Don’t Lust After Others. 3. Don’t Commit Fornication. 4. SUCH IS NOT HONORABLE!
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) IV. “Thou Shalt Not Forswear…” (5:33-37) A. The Rule Addresses A Specific Action – But Contains A Deeper Principle. 1. Breaking Oaths To The Lord (Dt. 23:21). 2. What of promises to men (Lev. 19:11-13)? 3. Don’t use “loop holes”. 4. JUST MEAN WHAT YOU SAY! 5. Anything else is “of the evil one” or “evil” (5:37; cf. 1 Tim. 5:11-12, 15).
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) V. “An Eye For An Eye…” (5:38-42) A. Rule Is Against Personal Revenge (Ex. 21:22-25). Yet Commonly Used To Justify Revenge. B. Suffering Is Better Than Revenge! 1. Resist not (Acts 22:25; 25:11). 2. Turn other cheek (Jn. 18:22-23). 3. Give the more costly cloak (1 Pet. 2:18-23). 4. Go 2nd mile (rather than resist public authority, go peaceably twice as far). 5. Give to them that ask (2 Th. 3:10).
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) VI. “Love Thy Neighbor, Hate Thine Enemy…” (5:43-48) A. Love (Lev. 19:18) & “Hate” (Dt. 23:6). B. BUT Jesus Says: 1. Love your enemies. 2. Pray FOR them that persecute you. 3. Greet them. 4. Be sons of God, Be mature spiritually. 5. Parable of good Samaritan (Lk 10:27-37).
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) EXCEEDING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES & PHARISEES (MATT. 5:21-48) CONCLUSION: A. God’s rules give us PRINCIPLES to live by! 1. Principle of authority. 2. So that we can make correct application & abide in truth! B. God expects us to BE SPIRITUALLY MATURE in day to day living. 1. “That you may be sons” (5:45). 2. “Ye therefore shall be perfect…” (5:48). MEASURE YOURSELF BY THIS!