You have questions, we have answers! BYOT2 You have questions, we have answers!
What is BYOT?
Bring Your Own Technology is an LCPS initiative that enables students in grades three through five to bring devices to school and use during instruction.
What if my child does not have a device?
If your student does not have a device to bring to our school or the device they own is not meant for travel, they will NOT be excluded from instruction. In that case, students will have the opportunity to use a school-issued device.
What device should I get my child?
Evergreen Mill will not make any suggestions to parents Evergreen Mill will not make any suggestions to parents. Any device that is able to connect to our wireless network is acceptable.
What time of day will my classroom use BYOT?
BYOT is NOT a class.
How will BYOT be used in the classrooms?
We currently use laptops and iPads Web-based Programs: IXL and iReady Research Browse webpages Typing reports and papers Create a video for a project
Can my student use it to play games during recess?
No. BYOT is for instructional purposes only.
What if the device gets broken or stolen?
LCPS and/or Evergreen Mill Elementary School will not be responsible for loss, damage, maintenance, or theft of any personal electronic device.
Suggestions Permanently label devices Devices should be fully charged and turned off when arriving to school Take devices home each day to charge Chargers should be kept in backpacks Students should be familiar with devices Program devices to silent mode