National Science Foundation FY 2013/FY 2014 Budgets Marty Rubenstein CFO/Head BFA EPSCoR Project Directors and Project Administrators Meeting May 20, 2013
FY 2013 NSF Funding Development 2
FY 2013 Sequestration NSF Guiding Principles –Protect commitments to NSFs core mission and maintain existing awards –Protect the NSF workforce –Protect STEM human capital development programs
FY 2013 Sequestration Impacts No anticipated furloughs No anticipated reductions to continuing awards or ongoing construction projects Major impact on number of new research grants –$356 million sequester = ~1,000 fewer awards –Compared to FY 2012 = ~600 fewer awards 4
FY 2014 Budget Request
FY 2014 Request: Total R&D by Agency Budget Authority in Billions of Dollars
Appropriations Drift to
What to Watch The FY 2014 Request was delivered to Congress in April FY 2014 Hearings are underway Will sequester continue in FY 2014, per current law? Planning has begun for FY 2015
NSF Competitive Awards, Declines & Funding Rates
Distribution by Average Reviewer Ratings for Awards and Declines, FY 2012