Health & Physical Education Mr. Jones SYLLABUS
HEALTH EDUCATION IS AN MAJOR PART OF OUR LIVES, IN 9 TH GRADE OUR STUDENTS WILL LEARN MORE ABOUT HUMAN SEXUALITY, INFECTIOUS DISEASES, COMMUNITY RESOURCING. OUR 10 TH GRADE STUDENTS WILL TAKE DRIVERS EDUCATION. THE WILL LEARN ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS VEHICLES HAVE ON OUR WORLD. STUDENTS WILL BE TAUGHT DRIVERS EDUCATION AND TAKE THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES TO PASS THE WRITTEN TEST. COURSE DESCIPTION: Physical Education will consist of a number of sports and fitness activities. An introduction to fitness as a system. Showing the students that fitness is a lifetime activity that can lead to overall social, emotional, and physical well-being. Students will learn about team and individual sports and how they correlate to systems and life experiences.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROJECT # 1 – STUDENTS WILL CONSTRUCT THEIR PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAM. THEY WILL MAKE UP A PROGRAM TO FIT THEIR NEEDS. THIS PROJECT WILL TAKE A LOT OF SELF MOTIVATION AND PARENTAL SUPPORT. THE STUDENTS WILL BE USING THE PROGRAM AS THEIR OWN WORKOUT. PROJECT # 2 PRESENTATION OR 2 PAGE PAPER EACH STUDENT WILL HAVE A CHOICE TO EITHER WRITE A PAPER OR PRESENT THE WORKOUT TO THE CLASS. IF THEY PRESENT THE LESSON TO THE CLASS HE/SHE WILL TEACH IT TO THE CLASS AS THEY PERFORM THE EXERCISES. IF THE STUDENT DECIDES TO WRITE A PAPER THEY MUST WRITE ON THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH THE WORKOUT AND WHOEVER ELSE WAS INVOLVED. Health Project # 1- Journal & Current Event Since health is directly related to the world and social events, student will complete a daily journal and weekly current event to incorporate their feeling, personal insight and understanding of significant. Project# 2 – Notebook / Portfolio Students will complete a health related portfolio focusing on all topics discussed throughout the marking period. Portfolio to be completed by the end of the marking. Project #3 - Dream Car project Students will identify the car of their dreams along with vital features of the car and present the car in a creative way. Projects will vary student by student however requirements will be distributed and must be followed. Students presentation is not mandatory but encouraged. Project #4 – Drivers Education Essay Contest Students will chose a topic related to driving and create a 3-5 paragraph essay expressing their thoughts, opinions, and facts about the chosen topic. DE Essay is required to have a cover page and list and sources used. Student participation in the contest is encourage but not mandatory.
COURSE GOALS HEALTH 1. DEMONSTRATE A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING OF BASIC SKILLS TO DRIVE. 2. USE A VARIETY OF SOURCES TO RESEARCH AND ORGANIZE INFORMATION TO SOLVE PROJECT RELATED QUESTIONS IN HUMANS SEXUALITY. 3. USE TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER RELATED SUBJECT, ALONG WITH THE WEB TO COMPLETE THEIR PROJECTS. 4. UNDERSTAND HOW THE BODY WORKS AS A SYSTEM TO MAINTAIN, GAIN, OR LOSE WEIGHT. 5. USE NUMEROUS SKILLS TO UNDERSTAND SPEED AND FOLLOWING DISTANCE AS RELATED TO THE ROADWAY. 6. TO HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE RULES OF TEAM SPORTS GAMES AND HOW TEAMWORK IS ESSENTIAL TO MAINTAINING A SUSTAINED SYSTEM. Instructional Philosophy: Students will engage themselves in numerous physical and social activities that involves inter- curricular studies. In Health and Physical Education we will have several projects that involves that being hands on. Major project including Dream Car and Essay that may be presented to the class for the 10th grade drivers education students. The 9 th graders will complete a project on human sexuality which will require the assistance of the parents or guardian. Major physical education project for 9 th and 10 th graders will be the completion of their workout program. Which will again have parental involvement and will require homework to be signed. Assessment methods will include written exams, test, oral written research, and written assignments. Our belief is to prepare the students for society when the leave school in go out into the world.