Documentation Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

Documentation Analysis Day 4

Do Now What types of documents are commonly forged?

Flash Card Check The mixtures of solvents and dyes or pigments that make up the ink. Ink Composition  A deeply colored material that dissolves in a solution or an object to give it a desired color. Dye A very finely divided, highly colored material that does not dissolve, but rather is suspended in a solution or dispersed through an object to give it a desired color.  Pigment

Handwriting Analysis There are 12 different characteristics of handwriting that investigators analyze. 1) Line Quality - are the lines steady and smooth, or shaky? 2) Word and Letter Spacing - are the spread out or crowded?

Handwriting Analysis 3) Size - are ratios between height and width consistent? 4) Continuity - was the pen lifted or did it stay on the paper?

Handwriting Analysis 5) Letter Connection - which letters are commonly connected? 6) Letter Completion - which letters are commonly incomplete?  

Handwriting Analysis 7) Style - cursive or printed? If both, when? 8) Pen Pressure - is it on the up strokes or down strokes?

Handwriting Analysis 9) Slant - left, right, or variable? 10) Line Habits - above, below, or right on the line?

Handwriting Analysis 11) Flourishes or Embellishments - fancy curls or distinctions? 12) Diacritic Placement - dotted i's and crossed t's?  Where?

Handwriting Analysis Class Evidence Vs Individual Evidence Some elements of an individual's handwriting might be shared with others. Handwriting analysts require many samples of an individual's writing before they will confirm a match. Grammar and spelling are additional factors to consider.

Handwriting Analysis A document examiner has the difficult problem of assessing whether the differences between a known sample and a questioned sample are due to normal variations or to the writing being done by a different writer.

Handwriting Analysis The investigators can collect two different kinds of handwriting samples for comparison, collected writings and requested writings.   Collected writings are the most valuable because they are more natural than those that are requested.