Please join the online learning community specifically for teachers of gifted and related staff offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This community will hold information released from PDE that is specifically designed for gifted education. Pennsylvania Department of Education Gifted Education and Accelerated Learning Community
Gifted Education and Accelerated Learning Community Access Select TEACHER TOOLS.
Gifted Education and Accelerated Learning Community You may need to register if you have not used this site before. Once you are registered, select MY COMMUNITIES.
Gifted Education and Accelerated Learning Community Search GIFTED EDUCATION and ACCELERATED LEARNING COMMUNITY.
Gifted Education and Accelerated Learning Community This is the online learning community.
Gifted Education and Accelerated Learning Community At the bottom of the page, there is a digital content repository for information related to gifted education.
If you have any questions, contact: Evelyn Wassel, Ed.D. at or Tanya Morret at Pennsylvania Department of Education Gifted Education and Accelerated Learning Community