Interdisciplinary Education and Training Prof Jim Buchan Discussant
Interdisciplinary Education and Training First impressions Drivers Impact and Effect Trends
First impressions A lot of commonality in issues Sense of chronology in all four countries Evidence of cross border influences Similar group of drivers Language/ clarity? IPE, IPL, IPCP, IPP…. What is the purpose?: Enable/support team working, or learning together?
Drivers Patient safety Regulation/ standards Demographic change (chronic disease) Health sector/ educational reform Health workforce restructuring- teams, protocols, new roles Cost effectiveness?
Conditions for success? Preparation of faculty/trainers/mentors Sensitisation of participants Involvement of patients/employers etc Cross organisation co-operation, co-ordination Multi school/ university collaboration/ shared approach Clear objectives and outcome criteria for IPE Core, embedded within education approach, not marginal add on
Impact and Effect Progress noted in all four countries, but IPE still on margins/ not well embedded Limited, fragmented evidence Difficult to evaluate / Attribute Improved metrics required/ tools need evaluated....being developed Lack of investment in research/evaluation
Trends Review IPL agenda? Link with simulated language environments (SLEs)/ More primary care experience(Aus) Evaluation- IPP, IPL- costs/ save money? (Aus) Increased attention required on IPE in practice setting/ prof dev (Can) Advances not embedded in education or practice- now studying interprof practice across sectors, with new partners (Can) Framework to guide research/funding of evaluation (Can)
Trends Backdrop of funding constraint means change and innovation in service delivery-pathways, community based care (UK) IPE still profession drive-essential purpose of IPE sometimes lost (UK) New cross boundary groups and task forces as resurgence of interest (USA) Emerging principle that IPE must include rigorous evaluation (USA)