L IBERAL E DUCATION & A MERICA S P ROMISE (LEAP) A LEAP Workshop January 2014 Welcome!!


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Presentation transcript:

L IBERAL E DUCATION & A MERICA S P ROMISE (LEAP) A LEAP Workshop January 2014 Welcome!!

LEAP FACILITATORS : Greg Cook, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Lois Smith, A ssociate Dean, College of Business & Economics Brent Bilodeau, Assist. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Joan Littlefield Cook, Director of Academic Assessment Kalyn Maxfield, Justin Vickery, Student Assistants Other LEAP Facilitators check name badges and use these veterans as experts!


O UR 4 TH Y EAR OF LEAP WORKSHOPS 2014: 154 Participants on 24 teams Since 2011: 431 participants on 85 different teams Thank You!!!

W ORKSHOP G OALS : Increase awareness of LEAP, potential for improving student learning at UWW. Help students, faculty, & staff discuss and define what LEAP means for us at UWW. Facilitate progress toward concrete actions in exploring and implementing LEAP. Support each other toward LEAP progress.

L EVELS OF UNDERSTANDING FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT Wide variety of Leap knowledge is assumed: Leap, what is it? Leap, Ive heard of it. Leap, Ive already mastered it! All voices are welcomed.


W ORKSHOP S CHEDULE : First 2-day workshopJan. 7-8 or Written action plans due from teamsJan. 31 Teams implement Spring plansFeb.-May Second 2-day workshopMay or Revised plans due for AY June 6 Teams implement AY plansAY Team posters on Assessment DaySpring, 2015 (TBD) Check on team progressSpring, 2015 (TBD)

LEAP = L IBERAL E DUCATION & A MERICA S P ROMISE History and background Association of American Colleges & Universities. A 21 st century education for a global society. High-quality baccalaureate education for all students. Research-based broad principles

E LEMENTS OF LEAP Essential Learning Outcomes (p. 7) Principles of Excellence (p. 10) Inclusive Excellence High-Impact Educational Practices (p. 18) VALUE Project

LEAP E NDORSED OR A PPROVED BY : Association of American Colleges & Universities (2005) UW System, Growth Agenda & More Students UW-Whitewater: Administration Academic and Student Affairs Baccalaureate Learning Outcomes Team ( ) Whitewater Student Government (Spr. 2010) Academic Staff Assembly (Spr. 2010) Faculty Senate (Spr. 2010) LEAP Teams and Working Groups (like you!) Representing multiple areas of campus

LEAP IN 2014 Themes: Inclusive excellence Innovation Continuing themes of breaking down silos and including students in the conversation

Essential Learning Outcomes & Principles of Excellence Greg Cook

E SSENTIAL L EARNING O UTCOMES (handout) What all students should achieve. Freshman year, and to graduation, at successively higher levels. Curriculum and co-curriculum. General education and majors/minors. Its what employers want (pp ). Inclusive Excellence theme: which ELOs?

Prepare students for 21 st -century careers in an ever-changing world with increasing global connections. Can we predict job and career needs more than 10 years out? How do students prepare? Generalizable knowledge and skills, preparing graduates to be adaptable, creative, innovative. See also, Principles of Excellence (handout).

E SSENTIAL L EARNING O UTCOMES, P RINCIPLES OF E XCELLENCE What are they? Where did they come from? National data, AAC&U surveys & focus groups. What do we think, and how can we use them? Opportunities & barriers.

Break 10:30-10:45

High-Impact Educational Practices Lois Smith

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Inclusive Excellence Brent Bilodeau

Break 2:00-2:15

Student LEAP Video & Projects Kalyn Maxfield Student LEAP Intern

Action Plan Instructions Joan Littlefield Cook

Team Time: 3:00-4:15 UC 259 (2 teams) UC 260 (1 team) UC 261 (2 teams) UC 262 (2 teams) UC 264 (2 teams) UC 266 (2 teams) UC 268 (1 teams) Lobbyuse tables Please return here by 4:15

Wrap Up & Questions

LET S LEAP!! Opening Comments & Overview of Day 2 Greg Cook

E XAMPLE ACTION PLANS Student Employment in the UC Team Rocket: Arts & Sciences Examples of Inclusive Excellence at UWW

A SSESSMENT & MEASURES VALUE Rubrics & Action Plan Measures Joan Littlefield Cook

Break 10:30-10:45

O PEN D ISCUSSION & Q UESTIONS What issues and challenges do we face in higher education, nationally and regionally? How can LEAP help us respond, innovate, thrive?

A CTION PLAN INSTRUCTIONS See the Action Plan handout. Hang your posters and assemble in UC 275B, by 2:00.

Lunch & Team Time: 11:45-2:00 UC 259 (2 teams) UC 260 (1 team) UC 261 (2 teams) UC 262 (2 teams) UC 264 (2 teams) UC 266 (2 teams) UC 268 (1 teams) Lobbyuse tables Hang your poster and assemble in UC 275B by 2:00.

P ICK - THE -P LANS Please turn in your Pick-the-Plans nomination forms promptly by 3:00, in UC 259.

Break: 2:30-2:45 Please return to UC 259 at 3:00 for AWARDS and CLOSING COMMENTS.

C LOSING COMMENTS written action plans are due January 31 next workshop, May or May Thank Yous Interim Chancellor Beverly Kopper LETs LEAP!!!