Adult Education in the Canary Islands
Adult Education Courses in the Canary Islands General Certificate of Secondary Education General Certificate of Secondary Education Baccalaureate Baccalaureate Distance English Course That´s English Distance English Course That´s English Foreign Languages – Levels A1-A2 Foreign Languages – Levels A1-A2 Vocational Courses- ICT, PA, Nurse Assistant, Cooking, Dressmaking… Vocational Courses- ICT, PA, Nurse Assistant, Cooking, Dressmaking… Recreational Courses- Drawing and Painting, Tai-chi, Canarian Folklore… Recreational Courses- Drawing and Painting, Tai-chi, Canarian Folklore…
THE SCHOOLS There are two types of schools: CEADCEPA
THE SCHOOLS There are two types of schools: CEADCEPA
CEAD : Distance Learning School: one in every capital city (Las Palmas de GC and Sta. Cruz de Tenerife). – GCSE, Baccalaurate, – Vocational Studies, – 25+ students University entrance preparation, …
CEPA: Adult Education School. There are 32 distributed in the seven Canary Islands. –Basic Education ( literacy and numeracy ), –GCSE, –Vocational and recreational courses… –Larger ones: Baccalaurate, –exams preparation…
Structure of the Basic Education Studies 1.- Initial Basic Education, divided in two different courses 2.- Post- Initial Basic Education, four courses, each of them corresponding to the four coursesof the Secondary Education Studies: I.- Initial I.- Initial II.- Consolidation II.- Consolidation III.- Advanced III.- Advanced IV.- Degree IV.- Degree
Adult Education in the Canary Islands -Law for Adults´Lifelong Learning and Training / 2003 (Implemented from April 4th 2003) - Refers to a previous national education law- will have to be revised soon. - Regulates both private and state institutions. - Article 5: formal education and all courses conducting to non- university degrees. - Mentions especifically Basic Education, Vocational Courses and Distance Learning. - Admittance age: 18+. In practice, citizens over the age of 17 with a working contract are admitted in Adult Education Centres. - Succeeding law regulations should have been passed in the Canarian Community. However, only Resolutions (a minor law rank which is only provisional) have been developed.
Resolution of the Vocational Studies and Adult Education Authority in the Canary Islands July, 30th 2008 Regulates the structure and curricula in all levels of Adult Education Has not been definitively passed yet
LOE Organic Education Law Common for the whole Spanish territory Every one of the 17 Autonomic Communities can partially adapt to its own peculariaties and idiosiocrancy The chapter dealing with Adult Education is IX
- Article 66: Objectives and principles -Article 67: Organization -Article 68: Basic Education -Article 69: Post-compulsory Education -Article 70: Types of Centres LOE – Chapter IX
LOE Chapter IX- Article 66 Objectives and principles Offers 18+ citizens the possibility of acquiring, updating or broadening knowledge and skills. OBJECTIVES: Acquiring basic skills and broaden and update knowledge. Improve work skills. Develop personal skills. Develop skills to participate in social, cultural, political and economical life. Develop programmes to avoid risks of social exclusion. Respond to challenges posed by ageing population. Preventing and solving personal, family and social conflicts.
LOE Chapter IX- Article 67 Organization o Exceptionally, 16+ students can be admitted in the adult education system, with a work contract not allowing them to attend an ordinary school. o Emphasis on self-learning; ordinary and distance modalities should be made available. o Flexible and open methodology. o Education authorities will promote research and disemination of innovative practices. o State Educational authorities will promote agreements with universities, local authorities and other state institutions. o Specific programmes for Spanish as a Foreign Language, for the integration of immigrants. o Adequate atention to Special needs population and prisoners
LOE Chapter IX Article 68 Basic Education Offer will be adapted to adults specific conditions and needs. Special tests to obtain the GCSE.
LOE Chapter IX Article 69 Post- Compulsory Education All citizens will be offered the possibility to access baccaulaurate and vocational studies. Educational authorities –will offer adults a specific offer adapted to their characteristics. –will organise distance learning modality. –will offer special tests to obtain the baccalaurate and vocational studies diplomas. –25+ students will be offered a test to acess university degrees.
Adult Education : The Future A lot of emphasis on Distance Learning. Adult Education teachers: strongly encouraged to follow training courses in : –Educational platforms (Moodle) –ICT assisted learning techniques –Materials generators (Hot Potatoes, JClick, WebQuest templates…