S ubject-specific support for language teachers in higher education: the DELPHI project John Klapper Centre for Modern Languages University of Birmingham
DELPHI Developing Language Professionals in Higher Education Institutions National Teaching Fellowship Project
DELPHI generic vs subject-specific current training new staff: 52% initial training 75% of it generic
DELPHI Aims promote changes in culture of HE teaching emphasise applied research base improve student learning experience one-stop shop
Target audience academics new to HE CPD for experienced colleagues departments and language centres DELPHI
What does it involve? staff development materials available on-line and downloadable website: CPD courses, links, recent publications
DELPHI The modules 1.Developing teachers beliefs 2.Second language acquisition: understanding learning to understand teaching 3.Teaching grammar
DELPHI 4. Task-based language learning 5.Teaching languages with audio and video 6.Promoting the development of speaking skills
DELPHI 7. Understanding and developing reading in a foreign language 8. Working with written texts in the language classroom 9.Developing foreign language writing skills
10. Teaching vocabulary 11. In other words: the role of translation in language teaching 12. Language learning strategies and learner autonomy DELPHI
13. Approaches to assessment 14. Varieties of language testing
DELPHI The authors mix of FL and EFL Birmingham, Brighton, Liverpool John Moores, Nottingham Trent, Warwick peer review: subject specialists & staff development
DELPHI Common philosophy Reflection on practice: * focus on beliefs *pre-and post-module self-assessment sheets * reflective tasks
DELPHI Approach to modules key theories, research practical applications, classroom techniques, tips sample teaching materials video, audio clips interview extracts (tutors, students)
DELPHI interactive tasks linked to commentaries hyperlinks to readings and other modules annotated further reading assessment task for AP(E)L hours training per module
DELPHI Applications initial training: a post- generic initiation? subject-specific component of PG Cert/Diploma? guide for lecturer and HoD in devising, setting and reviewing ongoing CPD targets?
DELPHI For further information, page the oracle at: