1 Education in EU innovation Policy EDEN Annual Conference 13-16 June 2007, Naples Maruja Gutierrez-Diaz Head of the Innovation and Transversal Policies.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Education in EU innovation Policy EDEN Annual Conference June 2007, Naples Maruja Gutierrez-Diaz Head of the Innovation and Transversal Policies Unit DG Education and Culture

2 A qualitative change: the revised Lisbon Agenda The triangle of knowledge Education as a core policy for innovation Education as a driver of growth and competitiveness Social cohesion Education as an essential instrument for social inclusion Education as the key to active citizenship Sustainable development Environement, economy, society

3 Education as a key factor for competitiveness and growth EU budget 1A: COMPETITIVENESS FOR GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT 7th Research Framework Programme Trans-European Networks - TEN Transport Lifelong Learning Erasmus Mundus (including 2 nd phase) Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme EU budget 1B: COHESION FOR GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT Structural Funds Cohesion Fund K uros: invisible

4 Education contributes to and is supported by all major EU policies and instruments 7th Framework Programme for Research Structural Funds –European Regional Development Fund –European Social Fund Information Society Policy / i2010 Competitiveness and Innovation Programme Innovation Policy

5 Education in the 7 th Framework Programme for Research Science in Society Programme –Socioeconomic research –Science education & Gender balance –Science in Society Innovation and cooperation with enterprise Research cooperation agreements –CRELL: Indicators and monitoring –IPTS: Foresight & new learning spaces

6 Education in the Structural Funds European Fund for Regional Development –Educational infrastructures, including ICT –Regional development & lifelong learning European Social Fund –Human capital, social capital –Employment policy (skills, guidance, lifelong learning) –Social cohesion, support to less favoured groups Both Funds support innovation and reforms

7 Use of Structural Funds for the reform of education and training systems Innovation in education is not an option for new ESF programmes – it is a regulatory obligation ESF Regulation ec 1083/2006, Art. 3, 1 d) (i) "the design and introduction of reforms in education and training systems in order to develop employability, the improvement of the labour market relevance of initial and vocational education and training and the continual updating of the skills of training personnel with a view to innovation and a knowledge-based economy;"

8 Education in Information Society Policy ICT Programme within the 7 th FP for Research –Interfaces, advanced computing I2010 –European Information Space –Investing and innovation in research –Inclusion and better quality of life eContent plus –Digital libraries –Quality digital contents for education

9 Education in Innovation Policy Innovation policy –Green paper on innovation and education –eSkills –Standards Competitiveness and innovation programme Education and enterprise –Education to entrepreneurship at school –Higher Education: entrepreneurship and partnerships –Corporate social responsibility

10 Education and innovation a strong EU policy message Revised Lisbon Agenda, 2005 Knowledge and innovation are the beating heart of European growth Broad-based Innovation Strategy, 2006 Without education as a core policy, innovation will remain unsupported. It must promote talent and creativity from an early stage

11 European Innovation Scoreboard Innovation drivers Science and engineering graduates per 1000 population aged Population with tertiary education per 1000 population aged Participation in lifelong learning per 1000 population aged Youth education attainment level (% of population aged having completed at least upper secondary education Broadband penetration rate Four out of five are related to education

12 Correlation analysis of innovation drivers Source: Ernesto Villalba, CRELL-JRC Forthcoming paper

13 Cluster analysis of innovation drivers Source: Ernesto Villalba, CRELL-JRC Forthcoming paper

14 The concept of innovation A classic definition: the Oslo Manual –innovation as a new significant improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method, business practices, workplace organisation or external relations Some recent developments –Services innovation –Open innovation –Society-driven innovation –The role of the user

15 The many facets of innovation Two complementary concepts of innovation –Innovation as radical change –Innovation as incremental improvement The need for a systemic approach –National innovation systems –Innovation at regional and local levels The need for a broad view –Innovation for growth and competitiveness –Innovation for better public services –Innovation and creativity

16 Education for innovation at all levels Fostering knowledge, skills and attitudes for innovation –Understanding innovation skills –Fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship –Pedagogical approaches and modes of learning –The contribution of ICT The need to rethink innovation from an education angle –A culture of evaluation –The need for an early start –Teacher training –Improved research –Increased autonomy of educational institutions

17 Innovation in education Making education and training systems more innovative and development oriented –Providing the required framework conditions –Balancing top-down and bottom-up approaches –Accepting risk taking and building on failure –Focussing on key knowledge and competences –Building in ability to initiate and manage change Developing an innovation-friendly vision of education

18 Thank you for your attention!