The Devil, Demons, and Angels


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Presentation transcript:

The Devil, Demons, and Angels What Does God have to Do With Them All? -or- Can God Be Charged with Bringing Evil Into the World?

The Devil Did God Create Satan? Did God Create Evil? Does God Send Evil into the Lives of Men? Satan entered Judas Evil Spirit sent into Saul Delivered unto Satan Moved David Paul’s thorn in the flesh Is He the Man of Sin? His Origin His Fall His Accomplices Angels The Demons His Activities God

Demons Their origins? Who are they? Did (do) they serve a purpose? Their activities then and now? Do we need exorcisms in the 21st century

Are they the sons of God in Angels From where did they come? Are some of them “fallen?” Are they the sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4? Why were they punished? Are they the spirits mentioned in 1 Peter 3:18-20? Are they active today?

The Origin of Satan Has he always existed? The Garden of Eden, but… Job 42:2/Rom. 11:33/Eccl. 12:14/Heb. 4:13 Can be restrained- Job 1:12/2:6 Can be rebuked- Zech. 3:2 Can be resisted- Jas. 4:7 There is One who is greater- 1 Jn. 4:4 He will be cast into hell-Rev. 20:10 He is not deity because he… …has none of the qualities of deity!

…so from where did he come? Exodus 20:11… Job 38:6,7 John 1:1-3 Colossians 1:16 When did He come into existence? Before Creation? Day one of creation? Day six of Creation? After Creation?

Lucifer Just who is Sata n? The meaning of the names let us know who Beelzebub Matt. 12:14 Lucifer Isaiah 14:12 Abaddon Rev. 9:11 Belial 2 Cor. 6:15 the tempter Matt. 4:3 Just who is Sata n? Lucifer The meaning of the names let us know who he is.