Undersanding Fractions I can share a collection or an object equally between two. I can describe two equal shares as a half. I can find a quarter by halving a half .
I can choose the best way to share an object equally. I can show that all the shares together are the same as the whole amount. I realise that when I share, there may be leftovers. I can use the words half, quarter and third to describe the equal parts.
I can share a collection equally between two / three / four and say what fraction each share represents. I can demonstrate and explain how the more parts I share an object into, the smaller each part will be. I can demonstrate how two quarters are the same as one half of an object or collection.
I can explain what a fraction is using concrete materials. I can use appropriate mathematical language when talking about fractions. I have an understanding about the greater the number of equal parts, the Smaller the size of each share.
I can use the correct notation for Fractions E.G. ½, 1/3, ¼, ¾. I understand the mathematical term of numerator and denominator.