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Vocabulary French and Indian War Taxes People/stuff 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Refusing to buy Certain goods What is a Boycott? Refusing to buy Certain goods Row 1, Col 1
Between the French, Native What is the French and Indian war? Lasted from 1754 -1763 Between the French, Native Americans and Britain 1,2
Imposed duties on legal What is the stamp act? Imposed duties on legal documents 1,3
A Indian chief who fought the British Who is Pontiac? A Indian chief who fought the British At Fort Detroit 1,4
A place used in the Frontier For protection and trade What is a fort? A place used in the Frontier For protection and trade 2,1
Was the most serious threat to What is France? In 1750 which country Was the most serious threat to The English colonies? 2,2
Taxes on goods such as paper, What are Townshend Acts? Taxes on goods such as paper, paint, glass and lead 2,3
A young British officer captured at Fort Necessity Who is George Washington? A young British officer captured at Fort Necessity 2,4
the Colonist and Britain What is The Boston Massacre? A 1770 conflict between the Colonist and Britain Five Colonist died 3,1
It was between France and England, and ended France’s What is the Treaty of Paris? It was between France and England, and ended France’s Power in North America 3,2
It enforced a new tax On Molasses What is The Sugar act? It enforced a new tax On Molasses 3,3
She wrote plays that made Fun of British officials Who is Mercy Otis Warren? She wrote plays that made Fun of British officials 3,4
A signed document addressed What is a petition? A signed document addressed To authorities, that Requests change 4,1
Agreement to stop settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains What is the Proclamation of 1763? Agreement to stop settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains 4,2
The reason Britain raised taxes What is to help pay for the French and Indian war and Troops? The reason Britain raised taxes On the colonists 4,3
She also wrote to spur colonist To protest, and called for Who is Abigail Adams? She also wrote to spur colonist To protest, and called for Greater rights for women 4,4
What is repeal ? To cancel or take back 5,1
British troops surprised the French here, (By climbing a cliff ) What is the Plains of Abraham? British troops surprised the French here, (By climbing a cliff ) 5,2
The saying or slogan that colonist used What is “No Taxation without Representation”? The saying or slogan that colonist used Because they were not represented in Parliment 5,3
Who was William Pitt? His strategy was to use Britain’s best generals to win the war with France