Ch. 3 Managing Stress
Stress and Your Health Cardiovascular Disease: Causes high blood pressure and plaque buildup. Impaired Immunity: Elevated levels of adrenal hormones destroy or reduce white blood cells.
Sources of Stress 1 2 3 4 5 6
Managing Your Stress Assessing Your Stressor Changing Your Responses Learning To Cope Downshifting Fighting The Anger Urge Changing The Way You Think Exercising Eating Right Managing Your Time Support Groups
Negative Coping Strategies Frequent us of OTC drugs Use of valium or other tranquilizers Use of alcohol Fasting or eating binges Excessive smoking
Stress: Mental and physical response of our bodies to the changes of our lives. Stressor: A physical, social, or psychological event or condition that causes the body to adjust to a specific situation.
Eustress: Positive stress that presents opportunities for personal growth. Ex: getting married, starting school, beginning a career, new friendships.
Distress: Negative stress that can have a negative effect on health Distress: Negative stress that can have a negative effect on health. Ex: financial difficulties, death, academic difficulties, relationship breakup.
The Body’s Response to Stress Alarm-----Resistance-----Exhaustion Fight or Flight: Physiological reaction in which the body prepares to combat or escape a real or perceived threat.