GENIUS CSIC contribution Enrique Solano Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC) Spanish Virtual Observatory Kick-off meeting. Barcelona. December 2013
Introduction: SVO
Introduction: CAB
CSIC participation Spectra → SSAP + Spectrum DM T3.3 - VO infrastructure → 6 person-month Spectra → SSAP + Spectrum DM Tabular data → ConeSearch, TAP
CSIC participation T4.3 Data Mining tools → 2 person /month From coordinate-based queries to get data to perform data mining tasks to extract knowledge. Development of the necessary tools and infrastructure.
CSIC participation T4.4 VO tools and services → 10 person /month Adaptation of the existing VO tools to Gaia specifications. SVO tools VOSED VOSA Filter Profile service Archive of spectral stellar libraries
VOSED SED building Information from VO spectral services + photometric information from some Vizier catalogues.
VOSA: VO Sed Analyzer
VOSA: VO Sed Analyzer
VOSA: VO Sed Analyzer
The Filter Profile Service
Synthetic photometry
Photometry in the VO
CSIC participation T4.3 Confronting Gaia to external archives → 4 person /month The Gaia archive will require a detailed validation. Rigorous cross-match (errors in positions, all properties in Gaia and the other catalogues).