Environment for Electronic Commerce (Vietnam) E-Commerce Department Ministry of Trade Vietnam
ICT infrastructure www.mot.gov.vn
Internet – History marks Before 1997: dial-up by early ISP: FPT, Netnam Decree 21/1997/ND-CP: legal basis for Internet service provision December 1997: Vietnam officially connect to Internet 1 IXP: VNPT 4 ISP: VNPT, FPT, SPT, Netnam 2000, internet service provided nation-wide Dial-up through telephone line system of VNPT www.mot.gov.vn
Internet – History marks Decree 55/2001/CP-ND on management of Internet services. Change in perception Changing from “Manage then Open the service” to “Mangement for development of Internet service” 2002: Termination of monopoly in IXP 5/2003: ADSL – the break through in Internet services The booming of internet service (café, services...) Connecting forms: Wi-Fi, GPRS 10/2003: Establishment of National Internet CenterVNIX www.mot.gov.vn
Development of Internet services For 2005 statistics International bandwidth: 2,997 Gbps IXP (6), ISP (17), OSP (15), ICP Total subscribers: 2,3 mio (population: 80 mio) Internet users: 8,56 triệu Number of domain names .vn: 12.611 (80% .com.vn) Ratio of domain names / population still low: 0,00017 Number of IP provided: 607.744 Increase but still low compared to the other countries Number of business with website: 17.500 www.mot.gov.vn
Characteristics Development of value-addes services: VoIP, chat, forum, online games Diversification of users, longer time of using internet Only 5/17 ISP actually operating in market Domestic contents development increase: business, education, news... www.mot.gov.vn
Events Online Securities Certificate authorities E-payment forms Establishment of – VnCERT Certificate authorities Some providers of digital signature and CA E-payment forms Open source is not widely applicable EDI just begins www.mot.gov.vn
Legal environment & Policy www.mot.gov.vn
Legal environment & Policies Policies regarding e-commerce Strategy for ICT development (Govt Decision No. 246) Master Plan for E-commerce development (2005) Master Plan for E-government development (2005) Project assisting SME’s application of E-com (2006) Strategy for SW industry development Legal environment E-commerce Ordinance Electronic Transaction Law (3/2006 effected) ICT Law (drafted 2006) www.mot.gov.vn
Legal environment & Policies Related laws Commercial Code (amended 2005) Civil Code (amended 2005) ICT law (drafted) IPR law Related Govt’s decrees E-commerce decree (drafted) Digital and CA service decree (drafted) E- Financial & e- banking transaction decree (drafted) www.mot.gov.vn
Legal environment & Policies Policies relating to E-commerce Management, provision and usage of internet E-payment E-customs E-tax Online criminals Managements of domain name:Quy định về quản lý và sử dụng tài nguyên Internet (QĐ 27/2005/QĐ-BCVT) Management of website establishment (website): Quy định về cấp phép (QĐ 27/2002/QĐ-BVHTT) www.mot.gov.vn
Economic and Society conditions www.mot.gov.vn
Popularization of Internet Reduction in cost of PC, laptop... Youth users Objectives of using internet are different English and foreign language level International integration: open of ICT market, Internet services Hacker, virus, spam, fraud of c/c, pornography www.mot.gov.vn
Supporting activities Application of state orgnizations E- trading procedures, e-tax, e-customs Supporting organizations VCCI, VIA E-com Department under Ministry of Trade Training Lack of programmers, all levels Education in ICT (most of universities) Education in Ecommerce still beginning (a few universities) www.mot.gov.vn
Purchasing habits Traditional habits of purchasing Habits of using cash Banks’ efforts in electronic-payments Credit card Debit card … still in beginning, not very convenient Lack of linkage among the banks Online/Internet payments, banking still in preparation www.mot.gov.vn
Social issues ICT attract the development Copy right violations Consumer protection regulations Privacy protection Dispute resolutions www.mot.gov.vn
Some idex (Information Society Index) ISI: 52/53 (IDC & World Time) Computer, ICT infrastucture, social development Network Readiness Index: 68/104 (WEF) E-Readiness Index: 61/65 (EIU) E-Gov 2004: 112/191 (UNPAN) Software Engineering Index: 17/30 (CIO Insight – Global Outsourcing 2005) Copy Right Violation ratio: 92%, 89/89 (BSA) www.mot.gov.vn