Experimental setup. Experimental setup. (A) Chair with a human-like robotic arm on its side. (B) Ball-balancing board containing color-shape markers. (C) For the single task, participants had to imagine the goal-oriented action of grasping or releasing a bottle with the robotic arm. (D) For the multitask, participants had to imagine the goal-oriented action of grasping the bottle while simultaneously balancing a ball on a board held with their own hands. Participants were asked to wear black gloves with long sleeves to avoid false-positive detections of the color markers by the camera during ball-balancing session. Christian I. Penaloza, and Shuichi Nishio Sci. Robotics 2018;3:eaat1228 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works