Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership Projects SURE meeting Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership Projects Agreement n° 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026232 WARSZAWA, 21.07.2019
SURE project Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Action: Strategic Partnerships for higher education Project start date: 01/09/2016 Project end date: 31/08/2019
SURE project objective AIM OF PROJECT is improving quality and increasing adequacy of educational offer of EU Higher Education Institutions to the needs of society through the development of multidisciplinary joint MSc curriculum in English - SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation. Now, in a rapidly changing world, issue of sustainable development is one of the most important problems of modern countries and societies. Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation is the direction that embeds architecture, urbanism and cultural heritage in context of requirements and condition of doctrine of sustainable development. Spatial, demographic, ecological development requires professionals who will be able to customise architecture and urbanism to specifics of these conditions.
SURE project objective Multidisciplinary joint MSc degree programme SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation combines the following areas of sustainable development: broadly understood architecture, urban planning and protection of cultural heritage. These fields are complemented by social issues, e.g. sociology of the city or architectural design attracting multicultural travellers. Universities will obtain the tool to educate new generation of architects who understand need for and objectives of sustainable development, both in terms of architecture and urban planning and in terms of society, as well as protection of heritage.
SURE project consortium PARTNER UNIVERSITIES: • Politechnika Lubelska, Poland • Universita degli Studi di Roma la Sapienza, Italy • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain • Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas, Lithuania NON-ACADEMIC PARTNERS: • ICOMOS Polska, Poland • Fondazione Romualdo del Biando, Italy • Fondazione Flaminia, Italy
SURE project activities Needs analysis in terms of contents of curricula in the field of architecture, urban planning, heritage protection and sustainable development: Collection and analysis of information about labour market requirements and practical needs in order to better attune joint SURE curriculum to requirements of labour market and praxis Analysis of curricula in field of architecture, urban planning and conservation of heritage in order to check the level of their compatibility with current requirements of labour market and to determine joint requirements to be met by SURE curriculum Elaboration of Best practices handbook "Contemporary realities and needs of sustainable urban rehabilitation"
SURE project activities Comprehensive elaboration of joint curriculum SURE – Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation, based on EU best practice: Elaboration of Model programme of SURE - plan of study for 3 modules: Sustainable architecture and urban planning, Sustainable heritage, Heritage & society Elaboration of coherent SURE curriculum (syllabi, learning outcomes, graduate's profile, initial requirements, enrolment rules and other elements of curriculum in accordance with the National Qualification Framework) Elaboration of didactic materials
SURE project activities Pilot implementation of particular courses of SURE curriculum: Selection of courses to be taught at each university participating in project Conducting teaching of particular courses of SURE curriculum at universities participating in the project Critical analysis of pilot implementation Attuning of elaborated SURE curriculum in accordance to conclusions resulting from pilot implementation and conducted critical analysis
SURE project results INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS: Best Practices Handbook "Contemporary realities and needs of sustainable urban rehabilitation" Model programme of SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation study SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation multidisciplinary joint MSc curriculum Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation SURE e-learning Space SURE Knowledge Exchange Platform
SURE project results RESULTS EXPECTED ON PROJECT'S COMPLETION: Permanent cooperation network Continuous transfer of knowledge, experiences and good practice Strengthened research capacity of European universities Broadened educational offer of European universities Higher level of internationalisation of European universities
SURE project results Partner universities will broaden their educational offer through offering new innovative SURE curriculum. Launching SURE study will result in higher quality of education provided by partner universities. Established SURE e-learning Space - web-based e-learning system will support students and will be used as additional tool of expanding their knowledge. SURE Knowledge Exchange Platform will increase the level of competence of Platform users and will be additional learning tool for students.