Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Enterprise for the 21st Century Initiative Assessment & Reporting in Enterprise Education Resources An Enterprise for the 21st Century Initiative
Professional Learning Information Enterprise Education Quality Framework Enterprise Education Quality Framework Assessment & Reporting Enterprise Education Resources CD Assessing & Reporting the Enterprise Skills The Enterprise Skills Posters & Story Professional Learning Information Project Background & Summary of Stage 1 Findings – PowerPoint Presentation Enterprise Education Quality Framework Introduction – PowerPoint Presentation Assessing & Reporting the Enterprise Skills Introduction – PowerPoint Presentation Enterprise Skills Portfolio Introduction – PowerPoint Presentation Reports and Background Materials Assessment & Reporting in Enterprise Education Stage 1 Report EEAR Final Report EESFD Final Report The Enterprise education Monograph Series Skills Portfolio
Enterprise Education Quality Framework
Enterprise Education Quality Framework Designed to enable students, teachers and school leaders to better understand, plan for, and participant in an explicit and purposeful process for assessment and reporting in enterprise education
Enterprise Education Quality Framework The complete set comprises: Education Quality Framework: Reviewing Your School Education Quality Framework: Reviewing Your Class Culture Assessment and Reporting of Enterprise Skills
Reviewing Your School has been designed to support school staff to review and assess the enterprise culture in their school. It comprises information to support schools to deliver enterprise education, tools to assess the enterprise culture of schools, and an action planning process to assist schools to plan whole school strategies for enterprise education.
Reviewing Your Class Culture has been designed to provide an assessment tool for teachers to examine the enterprise learning skills of their class or individual students. and provide information for discussion to identify possible strengths and weaknesses, and areas to be addressed.
Assessment and Reporting of Enterprise Skills promotes understanding of the purpose of assessment and reporting in enterprise education identifies the ways students demonstrate enterprise learning and presents ideas to support students and teachers to assess and report the enterprise skills
Overall Together the resources are intended to enable students, teachers and school leaders to better understand, plan for, and participant in an explicit and purposeful process for assessment and reporting in enterprise education.
Built on understanding enterprise education Definition Skill or attributes Focus Enterprise education Enterprise education is learning directed towards developing in young people those skills, competencies, understandings, and attributes which equip them to be innovative, and to identify, create, initiate, and successfully manage personal, community, business, and work opportunities, including working for themselves. Enterprise Attributes: Using initiative and drive Being creative and innovative Being positive and flexible Making decisions and solving problems Planning and organising Communicating and negotiating Managing resources and people Working cooperatively Reviewing and assessing Authentic learning Student decision making Community building Career education Career education is concerned with the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes through a planned programme of learning experiences in education and training settings which will assist students to make informed decisions about their life, study and/or work options and enable effective participation in working life. Employability Skills: Communication; Team work Problem-solving Initiative and enterprise Self-management Learning skills Technology skills Career knowledge and choices Employability skills Further education and training Transition from school Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial education develops in the student skills in personal finance, decision making and creative thinking. Enterprising individuals have direction and the determination to make the most of challenging circumstances. Entrepreneurial education is focused on the individual and their potential to achieve. Business and Entrepreneur Skills: Market competition Business organisation Budgeting Financial planning Promotions and marketing Money making Business skills Entrepreneurial activities
Reviewing Your School Summary Describes the key qualities of an enterprising school Enables a review of the enterprise culture of the school EEQF: Reviewing Your School
Built on the Best Practice Principles for Enterprise Education In an enterprise school a culture of enterprise learning is embedded within the culture of the school. The Best Practice Principles are the foundations of the Key Qualities of an Enterprise School Culture
Dimension 3: Key Qualities of Enterprise Learning Key Qualities of an Enterprise Culture 1 2 3 4 Enterprise education is developed as a whole school approach, and enterprise learning is integrated into all learning areas. Learning Enterprise education across the school enables all students to learn and demonstrate the qualities and characteristics of an enterprising person. Students know and speak the language of enterprise education. The school explicitly supports authentic learning contexts in which students have opportunities to build their personal capacities and contribute to community building. Enterprise learning opportunities are systematically provided in all learning areas. Students’ enterprise skills and achievements are explicitly recognised and acknowledged as part of a whole school approach to enterprise education. The school leadership encourages and supports students to be innovative and enterprising. OVERALL SCORE FOR THIS DIMENSION
Assessing your school summary Dimension Score Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Leadership & organisation Low level commitment or support from school leaders. Individual staff may feel unsupported or their efforts unrecognised and unappreciated. School leaders have provided some support and recognition for teachers’ efforts in enterprise education, but there is a lack of overall focus and direction. School leaders have consulted with staff and developed a whole school approach. Elements of the plan, such as further professional development, may still need to be implemented. School leaders are highly committed and provide strong, explicit and ongoing support at all levels. Teaching Teachers have only minimal understanding of and commitment to enterprise education among staff. There is only a low level of overall commitment to enterprise education, perhaps with some individual teachers more fully committed. There is a strong commitment by most teachers to enterprise teaching and learning. All teachers have the knowledge, skills and commitment to support the whole school focus on the development of students’ enterprise skills. Learning Opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate enterprise skills are limited. There is some time given to providing enterprise learning contexts, but overall students do not effectively use the language of enterprise education, or demonstrate enterprise skills. Students have the opportunities to develop and demonstrate enterprise skills in most classes and contexts. All students across the school have opportunities to develop and demonstrate enterprise skills. Students share the language of enterprise education, and demonstrate enterprise skills in all contexts. Assessment There is little acknowledging and rewarding students’ enterprise skills or achievements, and little understanding by staff of the need to do so. There is only a low level of overall commitment to the acknowledgement and rewarding of students’ enterprise skills, perhaps with some individual teachers more fully committed. There is a strong commitment by most teachers and schools leaders to the acknowledgement and rewarding of students’ enterprise learning. The school provides regular and systematic opportunities for acknowledging and rewarding students’ achievements in enterprise education. All teachers have the skills and knowledge to assess, analyse and report students’ enterprise learning.
Charting your results Dimension Score Leadership & organisation 2.5 Teaching 1.5 Learning 3 Assessment Parents 2.0 Community 1.0 Sustainability 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Leadership & organisation Teaching Learning Assessment Parents Community Sustainability
Action Plan Template Objectives Outcomes Process What do you want to do and how will you do it? Outcomes What will be achieved? Process What strategies will be used? Performance Indicators Describe your performance indicators? Resource Implications What resources are required? Responsibility Who has the responsibility to make it happen? Timeframe What are your milestones? Enterprise Education Professional Development Enterprise Teaching & Learning Enterprise Education in the Curriculum Enterprise Learning Assessment & Reporting Parent & Community Partnerships
Reviewing Your Class Culture Summary The quality of the learning experience is the essence of enterprise education Teaching and learning in enterprise education is based on the enterprise attributes EEQF: Reviewing Your Class Culture
Reviewing Your Class Culture Key quality indicators are presented for each of the attributes or enterprise skills. The key quality indicators can be used to assess the current state of enterprise teaching and learning in the classroom.
Key Qualities: Communicating and negotiating Attribute Key Qualities of Enterprise Learning 1 2 3 4 6 Students communicate effectively with others in enterprise learning situations. Communicating Students use persuasion effectively to make an argument or present a viewpoint. and negotiating Students listen actively to others to determine their views and arguments. Students share ideas and understandings with others. Students adapt communication strategies for different contexts. Students present ideas and information effectively in various contexts. Students deal with conflict in group situations and negotiate solutions. OVERALL SCORE FOR THIS ATTRIBUTE
Reviewing your class culture summary Enterprise Attributes Class/ Student Score Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Using initiative and drive Students lack initiative and drive in enterprise learning situations Students only show initiative with support, and require assistance to complete tasks. Student take initiative at times, but may not always follow through to completion. Students always take the initiative in enterprise learning situations; have the drive and commitment to complete enterprise tasks. Being creative and innovative Students do not demonstrate creative or innovative thinking in enterprise learning situations. Students demonstrate creative or innovative thinking within a supportive framework. Students effectively use creative and innovative strategies. Students employ highly creative and innovative approaches to thinking and learning. Being positive and flexible Students are seldom positive in learning situations, and do not easily adapt to new contexts. Students are positive at times, but require support to maintain a positive approach to learning and to adapt to new situations. Students are positive and usually adapts to new learning contexts. Students are very positive and adaptable in learning situations. Making decisions and solving problems Students lack effective decision making and problem solving skills. Students demonstrate decision making and problem solving skills when supported. Students show effective decision making and problem solving skills in most situations. Students display highly developed decision making and problem solving skills.
Assessment and Reporting of Enterprise Skills Summary
Assessment and Reporting of Enterprise Skills Summary Promote understanding of the purpose of assessment and reporting in enterprise education Identify the ways students demonstrate enterprise learning Present ideas to support students and teachers to assess and report the enterprise skills
Incorporates the definition and description of the enterprise attributes how the enterprise skills are developed and demonstrated how information about a student’s enterprise skills is collected and recorded processes for the assessment and recording of the enterprise skills.
Enterprise Skills Assessment 1. Sharing the language of enterprise education 2. Enterprise Skills Discovery Activity 3. Enterprise Skills Assessment 4. Describing the Enterprise Attributes 5. Demonstrating Enterprise Skills across Learning Areas
Enterprise Skills Assessment 6. Describing Your Enterprise Skills 7. Documenting Your Enterprise Skills 8. Enterprise Skills Record 9. Student Enterprise Profile 10. Models for Reporting Enterprise Skills
Promoting Enterprise Learning This framework recognises and underlines the importance of enterprise education as a key component in the education of young people. It provides a process for schools to plan for improvement in the delivery and assessment of their enterprise education approaches.